BBC news with Marion Marshall.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he supports calls for a pardon for an Israeli soldier convicted of manslaughter after he shot a Palestinian attacker who was lying wounded on the ground. Prosecutors said the killing by Sergeant Elor Azaria in the occupied West Bank was an act of revenge. But prominent figures in Mr. Netanyahu's cabinet have criticized the verdict.
以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡表示,支持赦免一名以色列士兵,该名士兵过世杀害了一名受伤躺在地上的巴基斯坦袭击者。检察官表示,阿扎里亚(Elor Azaria)的杀人行为属于报复行为。但是,但内塔尼亚胡的内阁知名人士批评了最后的裁决。
The Republican Vice President elect Mike Pence has said the process of repealing Obama care will begin on Donald Trump's first day in office. After meeting with Republican congressional leaders, Mr. Pence said the president elect was working on a series of executive orders to allow for an orderly transition to anew healthcare system. But he gave few details.
The President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto has named the former finance minister Luis Videgaray as his new foreign minister. Mr. Videgaray is one of the president's closest aides, but was sacked in September following criticism of a visit he’d arranged to Mexico by Donald Trump.
The German prosecutor's office has confirmed the detention of a second Tunisian suspect in connection with the attack on a Berlin Christmas market. Official said the men had dinner and talked extensively with the killer Anis Amri at a restaurant on the eve of the attack. But they said they didn't yet have enough information to make a formal arrest.
德国检方证实已经逮捕第二名和去年柏林圣诞节市场袭击案有关的嫌疑人。德国官员表示,在袭击案件发生前夕,这名男子和Anis Amri一起吃晚饭,并且相谈甚广。但是,官员们也表示,尚没有足够的证据来进行正式逮捕。
A court in South Carolina has started a hearing to decide whether the white supremacist Dylann Roof should receive the death penalty for the murder of nine black church goers in Charleston in 2015. In his opening statement, Roof insisted there was nothing wrong with him psychologically, apparently contradicting his lawyers who said he was not mentally fit.
南卡罗来纳州一家法院已经开始正式举行听证会,以裁决白人至上主义者Dylann Roof 在2015年在查尔斯顿开枪杀死9名黑人之后是否应该处以死刑。在开庭陈述的时候,Dylann Roof坚持表示自己没有任何心理问题,这一陈述明显与其律师的表述相矛盾。
A 105-year-old French cyclist Robert March and has created a new record by cycling 22.547km in an hour. BBC news.
BBC news with Marion Marshall.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he supports calls for a pardon for an Israeli soldier convicted of manslaughter after he shot a Palestinian attacker who was lying wounded on the ground. Prosecutors said the killing by Sergeant Elor Azaria in the occupied West Bank was an act of revenge. But prominent figures in Mr. Netanyahu's cabinet have criticized the verdict.
The Republican Vice President elect Mike Pence has said the process of repealing Obama care will begin on Donald Trump's first day in office. After meeting with Republican congressional leaders, Mr. Pence said the president elect was working on a series of executive orders to allow for an orderly transition to anew healthcare system. But he gave few details.
The President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto has named the former finance minister Luis Videgaray as his new foreign minister. Mr. Videgaray is one of the president's closest aides, but was sacked in September following criticism of a visit he’d arranged to Mexico by Donald Trump.
The German prosecutor's office has confirmed the detention of a second Tunisian suspect in connection with the attack on a Berlin Christmas market. Official said the men had dinner and talked extensively with the killer Anis Amri at a restaurant on the eve of the attack. But they said they didn't yet have enough information to make a formal arrest.
A court in South Carolina has started a hearing to decide whether the white supremacist Dylann Roof should receive the death penalty for the murder of nine black church goers in Charleston in 2015. In his opening statement, Roof insisted there was nothing wrong with him psychologically, apparently contradicting his lawyers who said he was not mentally fit.
A 105-year-old French cyclist Robert March and has created a new record by cycling 22.547km in an hour. BBC news.