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    Scientists have created an ultrathin, flexible film that can emit laser light - and successfully tested it on a contact lens, demonstrating the possibility of laser eye-beams.


    Before you rush out and buy a Cyclops-style visor, it's not even close to powerful enough to cause damage. Instead, the researchers say, the technology has potential for use as wearable security tags, or even as a type of laser barcode.


    The membranes containing the material are less than a thousandth of a millimetre thick, and flexible, which means they can easily be stuck to, or embedded into, polymer banknotes, or the soft plastics used for flexible contact lenses.



    The laser is created by stamping nanoscale gratings into thin polymer membranes that are grown on glass substrates, Neil Savage described for IEEE Spectrum.These membranes can then be placed on other surfaces.When illuminated by another laser, it emits laser light of its own, with wavelengths between 420 and 700 nm, as defined by the structure and material of the grating, which can be adjusted to emit specific wavelengths, and even to emit light like the series of ones and zeroes in a barcode.

    Neil Savage对IEEE Spectrum描述说,激光是通过将纳米级光栅压印到生长在玻璃基底上的薄聚合物膜上产生的。这些薄膜可以依附在其他物体的表面上。当被另一部激光器照射时,它发射出自己的激光,其波长在420-700nm之间,由光栅的结构和材料所决定。可以调节发射出特定波长的激光,并且甚至可以发射出类似于光条形码中的代表1和0的光信号。

    This laser light is very low-powered, only around a nanowatt. That's a billionth of a watt - not remotely enough to power a small light. But it's enough to be picked up by a scanner - and would be excellent for security tags, the research team said.


    "It would be very difficult for someone else to make a laser that had exactly the same wavelength," senior researcher and physicist Malte Gather of the University of St Andrews told Spectrum.

    “其他人想要制造具有完全相同的波长的激光器,将是非常困难的。”圣安德鲁斯大学的高级研究员兼物理学家Malte Gather告诉Spectrum。

    To test it, the research team integrated the membrane into a contact lens, which they stuck onto the excised eyeball of a cow - popular for this sort of testing for its structural similarity to the human eye, coupled with easy availability.


    They also stuck one of the membranes onto one of the researcher's thumbnails. Both membranes produced a laser beam - and, importantly, the contact lens laser consistently remained within the safe zone for repeated eye exposure.


    "We have demonstrated the fabrication and operation of ultra-thin, substrate-less organic lasers with extreme mechanical flexibility and lightweight," the researchers wrote in their paper. "These physical properties, combined with the low lasing threshold and the ability to generate unique output spectra, allows the application of membrane lasers as security label that can be applied to a wide range of substrates including banknotes, contact lenses, and fingernails."


    The researchers also suggest it could move from prototype to mass production without much effort.


    "By combining recently developed roll-to-roll nanoimprint and organic ink jet printing technology, membrane lasers could be mass-produced with high reproducibility and at low cost."


    The research has been published in the journal Nature Communications.

    该研究已发表在Nature Communications杂志上。

      上一篇:脑科学证明:活到老,学到老 下一篇:谷歌助手还能和人类正常对话了


