An international group of scientists has surveyed more than 2,500 coral reef systems across 44 countries to determine how to save them in the face of damage caused by climate change and humans, according to a new study.
A hundred scientists were involved in the survey that looked at coral abundance in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Many of the reef systems were found to be full of complex species that created distinctive structures and were functioning in spite of deadly marine heat waves in recent years.
"The good news is that functioning coral reefs still exist, and our study shows that it is not too late to save them," said Emily Darling, the lead author of the study and a Wildlife Conservation Society scientist leading the global coral reef monitoring program. "Safeguarding coral reefs into the future means protecting the world's last functioning reefs and recovering reefs impacted by climate change. But realistically -- on severely degraded reefs -- coastal societies will need to find new livelihoods for the future."
“好消息是,功能正常的珊瑚礁仍然存在,我们的研究表明,拯救它们还为时不晚,”该研究的主要作者、领导全球珊瑚礁监测项目的野生动物保护协会(Wildlife Conservation Society)科学家艾米丽·达林(Emily Darling)说。“保护珊瑚礁走向未来意味着保护世界上最后的发挥作用的珊瑚礁和恢复受气候变化影响的珊瑚礁。但实际上,在严重退化的珊瑚礁上,沿海社会需要为未来找到新的生计。”
Heat stress affected many coral reefs during the El Niño event between 2014 and 2017. But 450 reefs in 22 countries survived in protective cool spots. The scientists believe those areas should be the focus of urgent protection and management efforts.
Previously, the Indo-Pacific reefs were also hit by mass coral bleaching and heat stress in 1983, 1998, 2005 and 2010, before the world's most intense, longest and largest bleaching event between 2014 and 2017.
Coral bleaching occurs when ocean temperatures rise and corals release the algae that lives in their tissues, causing them to turn white, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
据美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,简称noaa)称,当海洋温度上升,珊瑚释放出生活在其组织中的藻类,导致它们变白时,珊瑚就会发生漂白现象。
Carbon emissions, pollution, development and overfishing have also impacted reefs.
"Saving reefs will require combining local and global efforts, such as reducing local dependence on reef fish to maintain a reef's important functions while also reducing carbon emissions to keep warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius," said Tim McClanahan, co-author of the study and Wildlife Conservation Society senior conservation zoologist.
In 2018, a study about how global warming is killing the Great Barrier Reef highlighted the importance of reef systems for people around the world.
"Almost a billion people around the world rely on coral reefs as their main source of food protein," said Mark Eakin, 2018 study author and coordinator for the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Coral Reef Watch. "Coral reefs provide tens of billions of dollars to economies and protect shorelines and infrastructures around the world."
美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)珊瑚礁观察(coral Reef Watch) 2018年研究报告作者兼协调员马克•埃金(Mark Eakin)表示:“全球近10亿人依赖珊瑚礁作为主要的食物蛋白质来源。”“珊瑚礁为经济提供了数百亿美元,保护着世界各地的海岸线和基础设施。”