The dominant greenhouse gases released into the Earth's atmosphere reached record levels in 2018, and their global warming power is now 43% stronger than in 1990, according to a new report by the American Meteorological Society released Monday.
美国气象学会(American Meteorological Society)周一发布的一份新报告显示,2018年,排放到地球大气中的主要温室气体达到创纪录水平,它们的全球变暖力量比1990年强43%。
The State of the Climate in 2018 study also reported other key findings:
· 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record. The three other warmest years were 2015, 2016 and 2017, with 2016 as the warmest year since records first began being kept in the mid-1800s.
· Sea levels rose to record levels for a seventh consecutive year.
· Glaciers continue to melt at a concerning rate for the 30th straight year.
"Every year since the start of the 21st Century has been warmer than the 1981-2010 average," the report said. "In 2018, the dominant greenhouse gases released into Earth's atmosphere -- carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide -- continued to increase and reach new record highs."
In fact, the report found greenhouse gases warming influence on the planet have increased an alarming 43% since 1990. Global carbon dioxide concentrations, which represent the bulk of the gases warming power, rose during 2018 to a record 407.4 parts per million, the study found. That is "the highest in the modern instrumental record and in ice core records dating back 800,000 years," the report said.
事实上,该报告发现,自1990年以来,温室气体对地球变暖的影响已经惊人地增长了43%。研究发现,全球二氧化碳浓度在2018年升至创纪录的407.4 ppm。二氧化碳浓度占全球变暖动力的大部分。报告称,这是“80万年前现代仪器记录和冰核记录中最高的”。
The report was led by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Centers for Environmental Information and was based on contributions from more than 475 scientists from 57 countries.
Scientists used tens of thousands of measurements from multiple independent datasets to reach their findings.
"This is yet another in a series of expert, science-based reports that continue to sound the alarm about the climate crisis," said Marshall Shepherd, a professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Georgia. He is also a former president of the American Meteorological Society.
佐治亚大学地理和大气科学教授马歇尔·谢泼德(Marshall Shepherd)说:“这是一系列以科学为基础的专家报告中的又一份,这些报告继续敲响气候危机的警钟。”他也是美国气象学会的前任主席。
Shepherd went on to say that the "climate change is clearly seen now in our weather, agriculture productivity, water supply challenges, public health, and even national security concerns."
"The findings from their State of the Climate report rises above some blog or opinion on social media," Shepherd said. "Through the process of science, they are sounding an alarm about the 'here-and-now' climate crises."
Sea levels continue to rise
Monday's report found that global annual sea levels rose for the seventh consecutive year and hit a record high for the 26 years since satellite.
"The new high reflects an ongoing trend," the report said. "Ongoing trends and year-to-year changes in sea level impact coastal communities by increasing the magnitude and frequency of positive sea level extremes that cause flooding and erosion."