Think your husband is a wimp when it comes to pain? It turns out that men feel pain more intensely than women if the pain is caused by a similar method experienced before.
Give your significant other a break the next time he complains about pain. (Photo: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock)
A team of researchers from Canada discovered that men are more sensitive and stressed if they know they are about to undergo a painful experience that's happened to them before. For the study, 41 men and 38 women were placed in a room where they were exposed to low levels of pain from heat on their forearm. After the initial low-level pain test, the subjects were exposed to higher levels of pain. They also wore a tightly-bound blood pressure cuff and asked to perform arm exercises for 20 minutes.
To determine if memory plays a role in pain tolerance, the same participants were asked to return the next day to the same room. They underwent the same tests, and men reported higher levels of pain than they did the previous day compared to women who did not.
"This is an important finding because increasing evidence suggests that chronic pain is a problem to the extent that you remember it," explained Loren Martin, co-author of the study and an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga. "If remembered pain is a driving force for chronic pain and we understand how pain is remembered, we may be able help some sufferers by treating the mechanisms behind the memories directly."
“这是一个重要的发现,因为越来越多的证据表明,慢性疼痛在你记忆的范围内是一个问题,”该研究的合著者、多伦多大学米西索加分校(University of Toronto Mississauga)心理学助理教授罗兰·马丁(Loren Martin)解释说。“如果记忆中的疼痛是慢性疼痛的驱动力,并且我们理解疼痛是如何被记住的,那么我们或许可以通过直接治疗记忆背后的机制来帮助一些患者。”
However, there are some instances when women are more sensitive to pain than men. And women are more likely to seek treatment for pain than men are, reports NPR.
Major operation vs. minor surgery pain
An Austrian study found that men experience more pain after major surgery, while women feel more pain following minor procedures.
For the four-year study, researchers interviewed 10,000 men and women within 24 hours after surgery. Of the patients surveyed, 42% were men and 58% were women. The participants answered questions about their operation, the anesthesia they received and their level of pain.
Researchers found that men were 27% more likely to have more moderate pain after major vascular and orthopedic surgery, while women were 34% more likely to report higher levels of pain after minor procedures, such as biopsies.
"The gender differences on pain perception are still heavily disputed, both in experimental and clinical fields. Our data do not definitely clarify this issue; however, based on our findings it can be presumed that the type (and severity) of surgery may play a pivotal role," wrote the study's authors.
Similarly, an earlier study found that women suffer more painful health conditions than men do. And they end up experiencing pain more intensely than their masculine counterparts.