Katharine Hayhoe often encounters people in the US and Canada who still regard climate change as an issue best left for the distant future.
凯瑟琳?海霍(Katharine Hayhoe)经常遇到美国和加拿大的一些人,他们仍然认为气候变化最好留给遥远的未来解决。
"That it affects future generations, not me, it affects others but not me, it affects people who live over there, but not me," she said. "And why is that dangerous? Because if it doesn't affect me, why do I care?"
Hayhoe, a Canadian and director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University, said she found a different attitude among people in Alaska.
"Alaskans can offer a master class in the indicators of a changing climate they've witnessed with their own eyes," she said on Twitter, following a speech to nearly 400 people at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
在阿拉斯加费尔班克斯大学(University of Alaska Fairbanks)对近400人发表演讲后,她在Twitter上说:“阿拉斯加人可以开设一个硕士课程,学习他们亲眼目睹的气候变化指标。”
In an exchange that featured audience members responding with messages on their phones, she learned that occasional periods of rain in the winter and an increase in summer smoke from wildfires are high on the list of the most obvious climate changes in Fairbanks.
And those specifics, along with a dozen or so others that are familiar to Alaskans, are more important than any accumulation of facts and figures.
Listening to Hayhoe speak and interact with a variety of audiences as she did on her Alaska tour, it's easy to see why she is renowned as an expert in blending the science of climate research and the art of communication.
She was the lead author of the fourth National Climate Assessment, the work of 13 agencies from the US government and 350 scientists.
In a paper published last year, Hayhoe and a colleague wrote about the importance of the Arctic and how the disappearance of the sea ice could lead to massive development of fossil fuel resources, which would mean "the absolute and utter failure of the Paris Agreement."
The Arctic is really a key to the future, she said.
The changes in people's lives and in the natural environment, which have become obvious in the Arctic, can open the way for an understanding that surpasses the statistics about temperature records, melting sea ice and vanishing permafrost.
As she wrote in an essay in April, "Climate has never changed this fast and, because of that, we've become complacent. We've delineated outdated flood zones based on how rain used to fall; we've parceled out and over-allocated our arable land and water resources; and we've built nearly two thirds of the world's biggest cities within just a meter or so of sea level, which today is rising at nearly twice the rate of only 25 years ago."