Loneliness has reached epidemic proportions.
A new survey has found that, most weeks, more than 225,000 UK seniors aged 65 or over speak to no one at all, while 2.6 million speak to — at most — three non-strangers.
Overall, nearly 4.5 million older people have experienced loneliness, the survey estimates. For over 600,000 of these solitary souls, the lack of socialization is so crushing it prevents them from going out into the world, researchers reported.
The survey of 1,896 people, conducted by Age UK, a charity advocating for the elderly, found that interacting with neighbors or smiling at strangers at the bus stop would make a world of difference, respondents reported.
这项由倡导老年人权益的慈善机构Age UK开展的调查共有1896人参加。调查结果显示,在公共汽车站与邻居互动或对陌生人微笑会让情况大为改观。
The solo reality of the sunset years has created concern in younger contingents of the population, with 55 percent of 16- to 45-year-olds surveyed saying they’re worried about getting lonely in older age.
Loneliness is not only isolating, it also poses a health risk — one greater than obesity, studies say. Seniors aren’t the only ones feeling alone, either: one in five millennials report feeling lonely and have “no friends,” according to another 2019 survey. Teenagers, too, are lonelier than ever, and the digital work landscape appears to be intensifying the problem.
To combat the situation, a US scientist is currently working on developing a pill to treat loneliness, and the UK has appointed a minister for loneliness to help ease the epidemic.