Scientists have discovered a mash-up of two feared disasters — hurricanes and earthquakes — and they’re calling them “stormquakes.”
The shaking of the sea floor during hurricanes and nor’easters can rumble like a magnitude 3.5 earthquake and can last for days, according to a study in this week’s journal Geophysical Research Letters. The quakes are fairly common, but they weren’t noticed before because they were considered seismic background noise.
根据本周《地球物理研究快报》(geophysical research letters)杂志上的一项研究,在飓风和东北风期间,海底的震动可能会像3.5级地震一样隆隆作响,持续数日。海底地震是相当普遍的,但它们以前没有被注意到,因为它们被认为是风暴的背景噪声。
A stormquake is more an oddity than something that can hurt you, because no one is standing on the sea floor during a hurricane, said Wenyuan Fan, a Florida State University seismologist who was the study’s lead author.
这项研究的主要作者、佛罗里达州立大学地震学家范文远(wenyuan fan)说,风暴地震比能伤害你的东西更奇怪,因为飓风期间没有人站在海底。
The combination of two frightening natural phenomena might bring to mind ”Sharknado,” but stormquakes are real and not dangerous.
“This is the last thing you need to worry about,” Fan told The Associated Press.
Storms trigger giant waves in the sea, which cause another type of wave. These secondary waves then interact with the seafloor — but only in certain places — and that causes the shaking, Fan said. It only happens in places where there’s a large continental shelf and shallow flat land.