Shocking cases of extreme picky eating have been creating a stir online recently. Earlier this week, 20-year-old Austin Davis, from Florida, turned heads when he revealed he’d eaten nothing but mac and cheese for 17 years. He has company in Jade Youngman, a 25-year-old Brit who recently went viral for her restrictive diet of dairy, simple carbs and processed meats. Then, there’s the anonymous 17-year-old subject of a study publishedin September’s Annals of Internal Medicine: His nutritional deficits caused him to go legally blind after refusing to eat anything except french fries, white bread, potato chips and processed ham.
近日,一些极端挑食的令人震惊的案例在网上引起了轰动。本周早些时候,来自佛罗里达州的20岁的奥斯汀·戴维斯(Austin Davis)透露,他17年来除了通心粉和奶酪外什么都没吃,这引起了人们的注意。他的同伴是25岁的英国人玉青年(Jade Youngman),她最近因严格控制奶制品、简单碳水化合物和加工肉类的饮食而走红。然后,在9月份的《内科学年鉴》(Annals of Internal Medicine)上发表了一项17岁的匿名研究:他的营养不足导致他在法律上失明,除了炸薯条、白面包、薯片和加工火腿外,他拒绝吃任何东西。
Now, “many kids are picky eaters,” Dr. Natalie Muth, pediatrician and author of “The Picky Eater Project,” tells The Post. Neophobia, or fear of new foods, is “classic” in toddlers; kids tend to grow out of it after trying a food 15 to 20 times, or when they go to school and see their classmates eating a variety of foods. Extreme cases, like the ones making headlines right now, are relatively rare.
But such episodes are also nightmare fuel for moms and dads of finicky eaters — not all of whom grow out of it by preschool. And while junior’s broccoli refusal may indeed be temporary, it can feel like the Hot Dogs Only phase will last a lifetime when you’re in the middle of it.
So how can you tell if your kid is an average veggie-phobe or if they’re suffering from a more serious block with food?
First, Muth says, make sure you’re doing your job as a parent. Too many moms and dads are afraid to let their kids go to bed hungry. Doing so is not only OK, but “recommended,” says Muth, who adds that picky eating only becomes worse when parents give into a child’s demands.
Then, look for the developmental markers. Around age 3, most kids naturally become more open to eating other things, but if that doesn’t happen, parents should ask their pediatrician if it might be a more serious problem.
The biggest sign that it is? When a child stops growing or isn’t meeting his or her weight and height requirements, says Dr. Evelyn Attia, director of the Columbia Center for Eating Disorders at Columbia University Medical Center.