卡卡英语 第126期:怎么一提到火锅,我的英语听力都变好了
教程:卡卡早餐英语  浏览:863  
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    Recording 1
    But What is Hotpot?
    Hotpot is basically exactly what it sounds like.
    A Hot Pot!
    Or basically you order a bunch of raw meats and vegetables and you boil them in a hot broth.

    Hotpot is a perfect rainy day escape. It's a great opportunity to create a unique flavor explosion.


    Recording 2
    I realized that the steam makes you like just completely hungry, continuously because it'sjust always boiling in front of your face.

    Steam: n. 蒸汽;精力
    continuously:adv. 连续不断地

    Recording 3
    We got our soup with pided between two different soups. This one is the Sichuan spicy soup and then over here I'm not sure but kinda milky creamy looking soup, may be a bone broth?

    Different Hotpot Soups:
    骨汤:bone broth
    白汤锅底:herbal soup
    红汤锅底: spicy soup/ mala soup
    鸳鸯锅底:two-flavor pot combo pot
    番茄锅底:tomato soup
    清汤锅底:original soup



      上一篇:卡卡英语 第125期:怎么让自己看起来更迷人呢 下一篇:卡卡英语 第127期:怎么用英文形容好吃的火锅呢

