BBC News with Jonathan Izard
The FBI director James Comey has confirmed for the first time that his agency is investigating alleged Russian governmental interference in last year’s US presidential election. Mr. Comey told the congressional intelligence committee that the FBI was investigating if there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. President Trump has always dismissed the charge.
Some of the biggest consumers of Brazilian meat have suspended imports over allegations that the companies have been selling rotten produce for many years. China has ban red meat imports from Brazil after EU announced that they would stop buying meat, poultry and other products from companies implicated in the scandal.
The five main candidates for the French Presidency are meeting shortly in the first of three televised debates. The two current front runners in opinion polls are the liberal centrist Emmanuel Macron and the far-right politician Marine La pen who seek to consolidate their positions ahead of the elections first around next month.
Security services in the United Arab Emirates are reported to detain the leading human rights activists. Amnesty International says that Ahamud Masuer was taken the need to custody after his apartment was searched over night and Amnesty and other rights groups have called for immediate release and expressed concern he might be at the risk of being tortured.
据报道,阿拉伯联合酋长国安全情报部门拘留了一位主要的人权活动人士。国际特赦组织表示在搜查完其公寓后,Ahamud Masuer被拘禁。国际特赦组织和其他权利机构,呼吁立即将其释放,同时担心其可能会遭受虐待。
The Nigerian government has unveiled a new immigration policy which it says will help to prevent Jihadists entering the country. The minister of interior said the new approach to immigration would enhance security and make doing business easier.
The authorities in Nepal are to provide GPS tracking serve devices to some mountaineers who attempt to scale mountain Everest this year. They say it will help to locate the climbers if they are in trouble and prevent them from making false climbs of reaching the summit.
And the US billionaire and philanthropist David Rockefeller has died in his home in New York aged at 101. He was the last surviving grandson of the oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller who was the America’s first billionaire.
BBC News.
BBC News with Jonathan Izard
The FBI director James Comey has confirmed for the first time that his agency is investigating alleged Russian governmental interference in last year’s US presidential election. Mr. Comey told the congressional intelligence committee that the FBI was investigating if there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. President Trump has always dismissed the charge.
Some of the biggest consumers of Brazilian meat have suspended imports over allegations that the companies have been selling rotten produce for many years. China has ban red meat imports from Brazil after EU announced that they would stop buying meat, poultry and other products from companies implicated in the scandal.
The five main candidates for the French Presidency are meeting shortly in the first of three televised debates. The two current front runners in opinion polls are the liberal centrist Emmanuel Macron and the far-right politician Marine La pen who seek to consolidate their positions ahead of the elections first around next month.
Security services in the United Emirates are reported to detain the leading human rights activists. Anderstin International says that Ahamud Masuer was taken the need to custody after his apartment was searched over night and Anderstin and other rights groups have called for immediate release and expressed concern he might be at the risk of being tortured.
The Nigerian government has unveiled a new immigration policy which it says will help to prevent Jihadists entering the country. The minister of interior said the new approach to immigration would enhance security and make doing business easier.
The authorities in Nepal are to provide GPS tracking serve devices to some mountaineers who attempt to scale mountain Everest this year. They say it will help to locate the climbers if they are in trouble and prevent them from making false climbs of reaching the summit.
And the US billionaire and philanthropist David Rockefeller has died in his home in New York aged at 101. He was the last surviving grandson of the oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller who was the America’s first billionaire.
BBC News.