One thing you need to know about wiretapping is that if law enforcement does it without probable cause and a warrant, it`s probably unconstitutional.
That`s from a 1967 Supreme Court case called Katz. Shortly after that, Congress enacted Title III, which governs procedures for wiretapping and electronic surveillance.
In an ordinary criminal investigation, Title III requires two things. First, a statement of probable cause. But in addition to that, a statement that this is probably the only way that this evidence can be obtained. But until Title III, those requirements don`t apply to national security type surveillance. The problem is, even after Title III, the executive branch continued to engage in electronic surveillance of Americans based on their political opinions, but under the guise of national security.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 or FISA was actually intended to create more rigorous procedural requirements for this kind of surveillance. Originally under FISA, obtaining a warrant was something like the criminal process. The requests were individualized. You had to show necessity and you had to show either a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power.
1978年外国情报监视法案(简称FISA),实际的目的旨制定更加严格的监控程序。最初根据FISA,犯罪过程等监控需要获得批准.之后,这些要求被个性化. 你必须展示进行监听的必然性,以及出示自己是否是外国势力或外国势力的代理人.
Now, after a series of amendments, when it comes to a non-U.S. person overseas, you don`t need any probable cause at all. And unlike the criminal courts, FISA courts are almost completely conducted in secret. Title III wiretaps in ordinary criminal cases are generally difficult to obtain, especially when compared to the law standard and secrecy in the FISA courts.
现在,经过一系列的修正,涉及到海外的非美国公民,则完全不需要任何合理根据. 不同于刑事法庭,FISA法院几乎完全在秘密进行.根与FISA法院的法律标准和保密程度,按照宪法第三章,普通的刑事案件通常很难达到标准.
One thing you need to know about wiretapping is that if law enforcement does it without probable cause and a warrant, it`s probably unconstitutional.
That`s from a 1967 Supreme Court case called Katz. Shortly after that, Congress enacted Title III, which governs procedures for wiretapping and electronic surveillance.
In an ordinary criminal investigation, Title III requires two things. First, a statement of probable cause. But in addition to that, a statement that this is probably the only way that this evidence can be obtained. But until Title III, those requirements don`t apply to national security type surveillance. The problem is, even after Title III, the executive branch continued to engage in electronic surveillance of Americans based on their political opinions, but under the guise of national security.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 or FISA was actually intended to create more rigorous procedural requirements for this kind of surveillance. Originally under FISA, obtaining a warrant was something like the criminal process. The requests were individualized. You had to show necessity and you had to show either a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power.
Now, after a series of amendments, when it comes to a non-U.S. person overseas, you don`t need any probable cause at all. And unlike the criminal courts, FISA courts are almost completely conducted in secret. Title III wiretaps in ordinary criminal cases are generally difficult to obtain, especially when compared to the law standard and secrecy in the FISA courts.