BBC NEWS with Jonathan Izard.
Egyptian president says the country’s army has targeted the jihadist training camp in retaliation for the attack on Coptic Christians south of capital Cairo. Abdel-Fattah al-sisi didn’t say where the camp was. Earlier he said the gunman would not divide the nation. At least 28 Coptic Christians were killed when their bus was ambushed on their traveling to a monastery.
埃及总统表示,为回击伊斯兰圣战分子对首都开罗南部科普特基督教徒的袭击,该国军队攻击了对方的训练营。塞西(Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi)并未透露该训练营的具体地点。早前他曾表示,持枪分子不会导致国家分裂。科普特基督徒乘坐的巴士在前往某修道院的途中被伏击,造成至少28人遇难。
The G7 group of industrial nations have called on internet companies to do more to stop the spread of hateful extremist content online. At a summit in Italy the British prime minister Theresa May saidthe battle against terrorist groups was moving online and service provided in social media companies had to increase their efforts to address terrorist content. But the G7 leaders were unable to reach an agreement on clime change at that summit.
Police in Britain say they’ve arrested most of the network they believe was linked to Monday suicide bombing attack at aconcert in the city of Manchester. 9 people are currently in custody but Britain’s chief counter terrorist policeman said more arrests were likely. Ariana Grande who was performing in Manchester when the bomber struck has said she will return to the city to give a benefit concert.
There’s been condemnation on the remarks by the leader of the opposition labor party in Britain Jeremy Corbyn that the country should pursue a less interventionist foreign policy to reduce the risk of terrorism. The prime minister Theresa May said there could be no excuse for attacks. Mr. Corbyn had said what's being called the war on terror wasn’t working.
Libyan militia group opposed to the UN backed government have launched a series of attacks in the capital of Tripoli. Health ministry said 28 of people have been killed.
The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he has issued instructions to remove the word arena from all stadium names in the country. He said the word doesn’t exist in Turkish and he expressed his distaste for what went on in arena’s in ancient world, the dismemberment of people by animals.
BBC NEWS with Jonathan Izard.
Egyptian president says the country’s army has targeted the jihadist training camp in retaliation for the attack on Coptic Christians south of capital Cairo. Abdel-Fattah al-sisi didn’t say where the camp was. Earlier he said the gunman would not divide the nation. At least 28 Coptic Christians were killed when their bus was ambushed on thier traveling to a monastery.
The G7 group of industrial nations have called on internet companies to do more to stop the spread of hateful extremist content online. At a summit in Italy the British prime minister Theresa May saidthe battle against terrorist groups was moving online and service provided in social media companies had to increase their efforts to address terrorist content. But the G7 leaders were unable to reach an agreement on clime change at that summit.
Police in Britain say they’ve arrested most of the network they believe was linked to Monday suicide bombing attack at aconcert in the city of Manchester. 9 people are currently in custody but Britain’s chief counter terrorist policeman said more arrests were likely. Ariana Grande who was performing in Manchester when the bomber struck has said she will return to the city to give a benefit concert.
There’s been condemnation on the remarks by the leader of the opposition labor party in Britain Jeremy Corbyn that the country should pursue a less interventionist foreign policy to reduce the risk of terrorism. The prime minister Theresa May said there could be no excuse for attacks. Mr. Corbyn had said what's being called the war on terror wasn’t working.
Libyan militia group opposed to the UN backed government have launched a series of attacks in the capital of Tripoli. Health ministry said 28 of people have been killed.
The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he has issued instructions to remove the word arena from all stadium names in the country. He said the word doesn’t exist in Turkish and he expressed his distaste for what went on in arena’s in ancient world, the dismemberment of people by animals.