As soon as a baby is born, all the aunties start the never-ending debate whether the newborn took after mom or dad. But sometimes no discussions are needed. Sometimes it looks like the kid is totally a clone of one of the parents.
My Mother And I, Both Age 25 妈妈和我都25岁的时候
Father And Son. Both 20 Years Old 父亲与儿子,20岁那年
Father And Son. Same Age, Same Shirt 父亲与儿子,一样的年龄,一样的衬衫
My Dad In 1978, Me In 2013 父亲在1978年,我在2013的时候
Me And My Grandfather 我与祖父 (这个更厉害,都已经隔了一代人,还这么像)
My Father Passed When I Was 4, But People Always Told Me That I Looked Like Him 我父亲在我四岁的时候,但人们总是告诉我,我看起来像他一样
Mother & Daughter 母亲与女儿