Bored Panda has compiled a list of photos where pets refuse to let go of their favorite toys, and I don't know if I've seen anything cuter. Even if the plushy (or just a piece of rope) is old, worn out, or already falling apart, some animals stand by them forever. Heck, some even sleep with them and take them on trips. Take a look!
Bored Panda整理了一组宠物拒绝放弃它们最喜欢的玩具的照片,我不知道我有没有见过比这更可爱的。即使毛绒玩具(或只是一根绳子)破旧、磨损或已经脱落了,有些动物还会永远站在它们身边。见鬼,有些甚至和他们睡在一起,带他们去旅行。快来看看吧!