教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:140  
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    It’s been 25 years since El Salvador made abortion illegal in all circumstances, eliminating any exceptions. And it’s been nearly as long since lawmakers passed a constitutional amendment declaring that life begins at conception.


    Vásquez was among more than 180 women who advocates say were unjustly convicted of crimes after suffering obstetric emergencies, including miscarriages and stillbirths, in the years since the revised penal code and constitutional amendment went into effect. Activists warn that these women’s experiences show how dangerously far criminalizing abortion can go.


    Vásquez was convicted of aggravated homicide and imprisoned for more than 10 years before El Salvador’s Supreme Court commuted her 30-year sentence in 2018.


    The overcrowded Ilopango women’s prison where she lived for over a decade seems like a world away from the airy garden courtyard Vásquez points out as she gives a tour of her home via Zoom.


    But she says the experiences she endured behind bars — and how important it is to help others who’ve gone through the same thing — are never far from her mind.


    This house isn’t just where Vásquez lives. It’s also the headquarters of Mujeres Libres El Salvador, an organization she founded.


    The group’s name means “free women” in Spanish. And legally speaking, that’s exactly what Vásquez and the four other people who live here are. So, too, are the dozens of other women who’ve traveled hours to spend their weekends attending workshops here.


    Like Vásquez, in the last few years, courts have ordered their release from prison. But since then, there’s another kind of freedom that’s been harder to come by.


    “We’ve been living through a double conviction. First, the one the judge gave us,” Vásquez says, “then the one society gave us. And we call that a life sentence. Because from the moment you entered prison, for your entire life, you are going to have this. … You are going to die and they are going to remember you because you were a prisoner.”


    In recent years, the cases of Vásquez and other women have spurred global protests, appeals from the UN’s top human rights official and attention from Hollywood stars.


    But as recently as 2021, Salvadoran lawmakers voted to uphold the country’s abortion prohibitions. And within the socially conservative country, the ban is popular among many Catholic and evangelical Salvadorans.


    That, Vásquez says, is one reason why she and other women keep retelling the stories they wish they could forget. Now, as part of Mujeres Libres, Vásquez says they aren’t just trying to heal themselves. They have a much larger goal, too.

    巴斯克斯说,这就是她和其他女性不断复述她们希望忘记的故事的原因之一。现在,作为Mujeres Libres的一员,巴斯克斯说他们不仅仅是在试图治愈自己。他们还有一个更大的目标。

    “We want to make sure our history doesn’t repeat itself in future generations,” she says.


      上一篇:双语新闻:联合国粮农组织数据显示,受厄尔尼诺现象影响全球食糖价格创近13年来新高 下一篇:双语新闻:罢免动议让众议院处于“窒息状态”

