教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:84  
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    Xinhua News Agency Panama City, March 3 (Reporter Chen Haoquan) Port-au-prince - The Haitian government issued a communique on the evening of the 3rd, declaring a 72-hour state of emergency in the western province where the capital Port-au-Prince is located, and law enforcement agencies will introduce curfew measures to restore security in the local order.

    The Haitian government said in a communique that the National prison in the capital Port-au-Prince and the Croix de Bouquet prison on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince were attacked by armed gangs from the evening of the 2nd, causing casualties among police and prison staff, and a large number of prisoners escaped.

    According to local media reports, the attack has killed at least 12 people and sent thousands of prisoners fleeing.

    Since February 29, a number of Haitian gangs attacked the capital's police station, police academy, international airport and other public facilities, demanding the resignation of Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

    On July 7, 2021, then-President Jovanel Moise was assassinated, leaving a power vacuum and increasing Mafia influence and crime. Haiti was due to hold a general election by February 7 this year, but it did not take place as scheduled, causing social discontent.
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