教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:50  
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    9-Year-Old Who Saved Parents from Tornado Speaks Out Good Morning America
    A 9-year-old boy from Oklahoma is speaking out after he helped save his parents' lives during a tornado last month.
    On April 27, Wayne and Lindy Baker were left badly injured after the car they were driving in with their son Branson was caught in an EF-4 tornado in Marietta, Okla. A tree uprooted in the weather hit the car, trapping Branson's parents inside.
    4月27日,Wayne和Lindy Baker与儿子Branson驾驶的汽车在俄克拉荷马州Marietta遭遇EF-4龙卷风,受了重伤。一棵因天气原因被连根拔起的树击中了汽车,Branson的父母被困在车内。
    The family had been heading to Dickson, Okla., to reach a storm shelter when the accident occurred. Seeing his parents in trouble, Branson left the truck and quickly ran to get help.

    While speaking on Monday, May 6's episode of Good Morning America, the 9-year-old recalled, "I was really, really scared," while getting emotional.
    Branson's father Wayne, who was wearing a neck brace during the interview, recalled of the incident, "We could pretty much see the tornado within about a mile, two miles away from us. But, as we turned, the tornado turned itself."
    "Branson sprung into action really quick, he's a very courageous son. For a 9-year-old boy... not many adults would have done what he did," Wayne added.
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