教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:62  
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    According to AFP reported on February 19, the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea's northern Nga province broke out 18 tribal clashes, has killed at least 64 people. The PNG military has deployed 100 troops to Nga province, but the operation has had little effect because the security forces are outnumbered and outgunned.

    The clashes took place near the town of Wabag in Nga province, about 600 kilometers northwest of Papua New Guinea's capital, Port Moresby. PNG police said they had recovered at least 64 bodies around the town of Wabag, some of them stripped naked and laid out on the road or on flatbed trucks. Others had severed limbs and beer bottles or cans in their chests.

    Police in Enga province confirm that the bodies have been recovered from roadside, grassland and hills of the region since the fighting started on Sunday morning.

    The tribal fighting reportedly involves the same tribes that killed more than 60 people last year.
      上一篇:双语新闻:加沙地带第二大医院在以色列袭击后停止服务 下一篇:双语新闻:英国被曝将向乌克兰提供数千架无人机

