书虫2级 阿利格拉之谜

阿利格拉之谜 The Mystery of Allegra



She is five years and three months old. She wears a long white nightdress and she has blond hair and big eyes, as blue as an Italian sky in summer. Her voice is soft and sweet, and she wants Adrian to take her to her Mamà, who is a long way away.


Adrian is on holiday, travelling in Italy with his parents. Late one evening they find the Villa Henderson and decide to take rooms there for the night. But Adrian wakes in the middle of the night to find Allegra in his room, with her big blue eyes and cold little hands. At first Adrian is very surprised, then he remembers that Chiara Henderson said she had a little daughter. But why does Allegra say that her mother is a long way away? And Adrian's bedroom door is locked, so how did Allegra get into his room?


Adrian does not understand. He decides to ask Allegra's mother in the morning. But in the morning he has a very big surprise...

书虫二级 威廉·莎士比亚

书虫二级 格雷丝·达林

书虫二级 钢琴之恋

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书虫二级 鲁宾孙漂流记

书虫二级 爱丽丝漫游奇境记

书虫二级 格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮

书虫二级 五个孩子和沙精

书虫二级 风中奇缘

书虫二级 长池村的故事

资料列表 较早较新

