First story today takes us to Sri Lanka. It's an island nation in the Indian Ocean, a little larger than the U.S. state of West Virginia, and about half a million Sri Lankans have been affected by the worst flooding the nation has seen in 14 years. It was brought on by the monsoon rains which typically hit in May, but this year's rains were heavier than usual and they came after two months of drought.
The result floods have killed more than 160 people, around a hundred others are still missing and Sri Lankan authorities expect a number of deaths to rise as the rains continue.
It's not just flooding. Landslides have occurred across the country. Some have blocked roads and officials have warned the people who've been stranded about the possibility of crocodile attacks.
In addition to the Red Cross, the neighboring country of India has sent ships, divers and medical teams. Other countries are also sending aid, as many Sri Lankans have lost everything they had.
First story today takes us to Sri Lanka. It's an island nation in the Indian Ocean, a little larger than the U.S. state of West Virginia, and about half a million Sri Lankans have been affected by the worst flooding the nation has seen in 14 years. It was brought on by the monsoon rains which typically hit in May, but this year's rains were heavier than usual and they came after two months of drought.
The result floods have killed more than 160 people, around a hundred others are still missing and Sri Lankan authorities expect a number of deaths to rise as the rains continue.
It's not just flooding. Landslides have occurred across the country. Some have blocked roads and officials have warned the people who've been stranded about the possibility of crocodile attacks.
In addition to the Red Cross, the neighboring country of India has sent ships, divers and medical teams. Other countries are also sending aid, as many Sri Lankans have lost everything they had.