Many people share a common love for a sandwich of grand crackers, marshmallows and chocolate and here are some more. What`s uncommon is these many people sharing it all at once, more than 700 students hoping to break the Guinness World Record for making s`mores at the same time.
很多人都喜欢一款叫做“s ' mores”的美食——中间放一块棉花糖和一块巧克力,上下被两块饼干包着。但不寻常的是,很多人想要同时分享这一食物——超过700名学生同时做s ' mores美食,希望打破吉尼斯世界纪录。
The attempt happened in a small town in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. The old s`more record was 423. Organizers say it will take some time to find out if this sets a new high bar.
But if it does, you got to chuck a lot of the credit up to those who cookied up the idea, who planned the pro-graham, who managed to say mallow and who know sandwich record to break. It`s clear they didn`t bite off more than they could chew.
I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10. We`ll bring s`more tomorrow.
我是卡尔·阿祖兹,这里是CNN 10。欢迎明天继续收听更多新闻。
Many people share a common love for a sandwich of grand crackers, marshmallows and chocolate and here are some more. What`s uncommon is these many people sharing it all at once, more than 700 students hoping to break the Guinness World Record for making s`mores at the same time.
The attempt happened in a small town in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. The old s`more record was 423. Organizers say it will take some time to find out if this sets a new high bar.
But if it does, you got to chuck a lot of the credit up to those who cookied up the idea, who planned the pro-graham, who managed to say mallow and who know sandwich record to break. It`s clear they didn`t bite off more than they could chew.
I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10. We`ll bring s`more tomorrow.