The East African nation of Kenya just held its second presidential election in less than three months. On August 8th, voters reelected Kenya`s incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta. But the main opposition candidate who was running against him said the results of the August vote were electronically tampered with.
Kenya`s supreme court said the election had irregularities and illegalities. It declared the results null and void, and it ordered the second election that took place yesterday.
Between the two votes, violence flared up in some areas, and dozens of people were killed. And even though yesterday`s voting was reportedly peaceful in most of the country, there was some fighting between police and protesters in areas where opposition leader Raila Odinga had a lot of support.
而在两次选举间隙,某些地区发生暴力冲突,数十人死亡。尽管有些国家报道,昨日的选举很顺利,但是,在肯尼亚反对派的领袖Ralia Odinga得到众多支持的地方,警察和抗议者发生了冲突。
He`d actually dropped out of the race, saying changes haven`t been made to ensure the second vote would be fair. Kenya`s election commission denied that, but Odinga urged his supporters to boycott the new vote. And while that was expected to result in a win for President Kenyatta, there was low turnout and the votes likely to face legal challenges.
实际上Raila Odinga 已经退出了此次选举,他表示,目前尚未作出一些举措来确保第二次选举的公平性。肯尼亚选举委员会对此表示否认,但是,Odinga敦促自己的支持者抵制第二次选举。很有可能肯雅塔总统会获得胜利,但是支持人数较少,也可能会面临法律质疑。
Kenya is the largest economy in East Africa, and this is being watched closely around the world because it`s an indicator of stability in a region where some other countries are struggling.
The East African nation of Kenya just held its second presidential election in less than three months. On August 8th, voters reelected Kenya`s incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta. But the main opposition candidate who was running against him said the results of the August vote were electronically tampered with.
Kenya`s supreme court said the election had irregularities and illegalities. It declared the results null and void, and it ordered the second election that took place yesterday.
Between the two votes, violence flared up in some areas, and dozens of people were killed. And even though yesterday`s voting was reportedly peaceful in most of the country, there was some fighting between police and protesters in areas where opposition leader Raila Odinga had a lot of support.
He`d actually dropped out of the race, saying changes haven`t been made to ensure the second vote would be fair. Kenya`s election commission denied that, but Odinga urged his supporters to boycott the new vote. And while that was expected to result in a win for President Kenyatta, there was low turnout and the votes likely to face legal challenges.
Kenya is the largest economy in East Africa, and this is being watched closely around the world because it`s an indicator of stability in a region where some other countries are struggling.