B: Hello, there. I've just started using your net banking and I,m looking for some information about my Commission Fund.
A: I see. The Fund Trading System of our Net Banking deals with both trading and information. If you use this system, you can subscribe for and apply to buy other funds. You can also get lots of other useful information.
B: Regarding what exactly?
A: Fund info, the fund code, fund net value per unit, fund public info,fund account balance,fund trading conformation, daily details and the history. With our Net Banking, anything is possible!
基金信息、基金代码、基金单位净值、基金公共信息、基金账户余额、 基金交易确认、每日交易明细和历史交易明细。使用我们的网络银行业务,任何事都是可以办到的!