Meaning/Usage: To tell someone not to worry 告诉某人不要担心
Explanation: When people worry a lot, they can sweat. This became a popular way to tell someone not to worry.
"You can't do anything about it, so don't sweat it."
"You tried your best, so stop sweating it."
A: "I'm worried about my final examination."
B: "You didn't take it yet?"
A: "I took it yesterday. I'm not sure how I did."
B: "If you tried your best, there's nothing you can do about the results, so don't sweat it."
Other Common Sentences
"Don't worry about it."
"Nothing you can do about it."
Explanation: When people worry a lot, they can sweat. This became a popular way to tell someone not to worry.
"You can't do anything about it, so don't sweat it."
"You tried your best, so stop sweating it."
A: "I'm worried about my final examination."
B: "You didn't take it yet?"
A: "I took it yesterday. I'm not sure how I did."
B: "If you tried your best, there's nothing you can do about the results, so don't sweat it."
Other Common Sentences
"Don't worry about it."
"Nothing you can do about it."