Meaning/Usage: To express that you will do something
Explanation: If someone asks you for help, you can respond with "sure thing" to indicate certainty.
"You want me to call you tomorrow? Sure thing."
"Sure thing. I'll be there!"
"I can help you move. Sure thing."
A. "Sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital."
B. "Thanks, they are still doing some tests to find out what is wrong with her."
A. "Well let me know once you find out anything."
B. "Sure thing, I will call you once they let me know."
Other Common Sentences
"Of course I will."
Explanation: If someone asks you for help, you can respond with "sure thing" to indicate certainty.
"You want me to call you tomorrow? Sure thing."
"Sure thing. I'll be there!"
"I can help you move. Sure thing."
A. "Sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital."
B. "Thanks, they are still doing some tests to find out what is wrong with her."
A. "Well let me know once you find out anything."
B. "Sure thing, I will call you once they let me know."
Other Common Sentences
"Of course I will."