Meaning/Usage: Used to tell someone that they did something wrong
Explanation: Having "shame" is very negative. This is frequently used to tell children that they did something wrong.
"You know better than to do that, shame on you."
"I thought I asked you not to make a mess? Shame on you?"
"Shame on you, you know not to eat so much candy before dinner."
A. "Did you tell a lie to your sister?"
B. "Yes daddy. I did."
A. "Well shame on you. You know better than to do something like that."
Other Common Sentences
"You should be ashamed of yourself."
"What you did was wrong."
Explanation: Having "shame" is very negative. This is frequently used to tell children that they did something wrong.
"You know better than to do that, shame on you."
"I thought I asked you not to make a mess? Shame on you?"
"Shame on you, you know not to eat so much candy before dinner."
A. "Did you tell a lie to your sister?"
B. "Yes daddy. I did."
A. "Well shame on you. You know better than to do something like that."
Other Common Sentences
"You should be ashamed of yourself."
"What you did was wrong."