Meaning/Usage: Extremely annoying; to make you very mad
Explanation: This is a straightforward.
"Trying to make you happy sometimes is maddening."
"Trying to figure out the answers to this test is maddening."
"There was a maddening delay at the train station."
A. "So what caused them to cancel flights at the airport?"
B. "I'm not sure but it was maddening! People were angry trying to figure out what to do."
A. "I'm glad your flight finally made it."
B. "Me too, I could not stand to be in the airport any longer."
Other Common Sentences
"It was frustrating."
"It was irritating."
Explanation: This is a straightforward.
"Trying to make you happy sometimes is maddening."
"Trying to figure out the answers to this test is maddening."
"There was a maddening delay at the train station."
A. "So what caused them to cancel flights at the airport?"
B. "I'm not sure but it was maddening! People were angry trying to figure out what to do."
A. "I'm glad your flight finally made it."
B. "Me too, I could not stand to be in the airport any longer."
Other Common Sentences
"It was frustrating."
"It was irritating."