Meaning/Usage: Phrase used to wake someone up nicely
Explanation: "Rise" means to get up and "shine" in this context means to "act lively and do well."
"It's time to rise and shine sweetheart."
"You'd better rise and shine or you'll be late for work."
"Rise and shine sleepy head, it's time for breakfast."
A. "Rise and shine! It's time to get up!"
B. "Can't I just stay in bed a bit longer?"
A. "If you do you will be late for work."
Other Common Sentences
"It's time to wake up."
"Get out of bed."
Explanation: "Rise" means to get up and "shine" in this context means to "act lively and do well."
"It's time to rise and shine sweetheart."
"You'd better rise and shine or you'll be late for work."
"Rise and shine sleepy head, it's time for breakfast."
A. "Rise and shine! It's time to get up!"
B. "Can't I just stay in bed a bit longer?"
A. "If you do you will be late for work."
Other Common Sentences
"It's time to wake up."
"Get out of bed."