Meaning/Usage: Expressing that the unlikely could happen
Explanation: This is short for "You never can be certain of anything."
"I don't think I'll get the job but you never know."
"You never know. Some people don't mind the rain."
"You never know. He still could change his mind."
A. "I don't think my husband wants to go with us."
B. "You never know. Have you asked him?"
A. "Not yet, but I will tonight."
B. "I think that might be a good idea."
Other Common Sentences
"It could happen."
"Things still can change."
Explanation: This is short for "You never can be certain of anything."
"I don't think I'll get the job but you never know."
"You never know. Some people don't mind the rain."
"You never know. He still could change his mind."
A. "I don't think my husband wants to go with us."
B. "You never know. Have you asked him?"
A. "Not yet, but I will tonight."
B. "I think that might be a good idea."
Other Common Sentences
"It could happen."
"Things still can change."