Meaning/Usage: Going back to work after a break
Explanation: "Back" is going back to something. Grinding something is hard work, so going back to the "grind" is going back to hard work.
"Ok everyone break time is over, get back to the grind."
"Back to the grind for me. I'll catch you later."
"Time to get back to the grind. I need to finish so I can leave on time."
A. "I really need to finish this project before my deadline."
B. "If that's the case, you'd better stop talking and get back to the grind."
A. "I agree, I need to finish it before I leave."
B. "Good luck."
Other Common Sentences
"I better get back to work."
"You'd better get back to what you were working on."
Explanation: "Back" is going back to something. Grinding something is hard work, so going back to the "grind" is going back to hard work.
"Ok everyone break time is over, get back to the grind."
"Back to the grind for me. I'll catch you later."
"Time to get back to the grind. I need to finish so I can leave on time."
A. "I really need to finish this project before my deadline."
B. "If that's the case, you'd better stop talking and get back to the grind."
A. "I agree, I need to finish it before I leave."
B. "Good luck."
Other Common Sentences
"I better get back to work."
"You'd better get back to what you were working on."