Meaning/Usage: Being excited about something
Explanation: This is very literal. This phrase is usually used by itself and does not need to be in a full sentence.
"We only have 7 more days until vacation! I can't wait!"
"I can't wait. They are going to announce the contest winners today."
"I can't wait for summer to get here, I don't like the cold weather."
A. "I can't wait to see my parents this weekend!"
B. "Are they coming in town to visit?"
A. "Yes, I haven't seen them for a year."
B. "Have a fun time visiting with them."
Other Common Sentences
"I am eager for it to happen."
"I'm waiting with excitement."
Explanation: This is very literal. This phrase is usually used by itself and does not need to be in a full sentence.
"We only have 7 more days until vacation! I can't wait!"
"I can't wait. They are going to announce the contest winners today."
"I can't wait for summer to get here, I don't like the cold weather."
A. "I can't wait to see my parents this weekend!"
B. "Are they coming in town to visit?"
A. "Yes, I haven't seen them for a year."
B. "Have a fun time visiting with them."
Other Common Sentences
"I am eager for it to happen."
"I'm waiting with excitement."