Meaning/Usage: Telling someone to not be depressed
Explanation: This is very similar to "cheer up." It can also be used to tell someone not to be negative.
"Lighten up. Things could be worse."
"Lighten up. We can go to the movies another day."
"Lighten up. There will be another chance to play."
A. "I'm so upset that we didn't get to go to the game yesterday."
B. "Lighten up. We can go some other time."
A. "I know, I just feel bad I had to work."
B. "Like I said, it's ok. We can try again next week."
Other Common Sentences
"Cheer up."
"Don't be so depressed."
Explanation: This is very similar to "cheer up." It can also be used to tell someone not to be negative.
"Lighten up. Things could be worse."
"Lighten up. We can go to the movies another day."
"Lighten up. There will be another chance to play."
A. "I'm so upset that we didn't get to go to the game yesterday."
B. "Lighten up. We can go some other time."
A. "I know, I just feel bad I had to work."
B. "Like I said, it's ok. We can try again next week."
Other Common Sentences
"Cheer up."
"Don't be so depressed."