as old as Methuselah
【英文解析】very old
【典型例句】With scientific sanitation and hygiene, one can expect to become as old as Methuselah.随着科学卫生的 发展,人们可望寿比彭祖。
He is as old as Methuselah, as rich as a Jew, and as wise as Solomon'他寿比彭祖,富可敌国,且智慧过人。
He is as old as Methuselah. I have no use for him.他已 经老朽不堪了,我用不着这样一个人。
【注释】出自《圣经创世纪》第5章,耶和华降洪水毁灭 罪恶世界之前,犹太族长玛士撒拉“活了九百六十九 岁”;他的孙子就是筑方舟保存了地球各类动物的诺 亚(Noah)。后来玛士撒拉就成了 “长寿”的代名词, 但有时这个习语带有不敬的意味。