《Letters Live》(见信如晤) ,又称英国版《见字如面》。节目邀请音乐、影视、文艺界的名人,如卷福、抖森等,现场朗读近一个世纪以来令人难忘的书信。以下是Letters Live 丨英国版《见字如面》——本·金斯利读信:军人与家书(4)的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Nov. 12 1915
Dear Lionel
Our boy was reported “wounded and missing” since Sep. 27 – the battle of Loos and we’ve heard nothing official since that date. But all we can pick up from the men points to the fact that he is dead and probably wiped out by shell fire.
However, he had his heart’s desire and he didn’t have a long time in trenches. The Guards advanced on a front of two platoons for each battalion. He led the right platoon over a mile of open ground in the face of shell and machine-gun fire and was dropped at the further limit of the advance, after having emptied his pistol into a house full of German machine guns.
His Commanding Officer and his company commander told me how he he led ‘em: and the wounded have confirmed it. He was senior ensign tho’ only 18 years and 6 weeks, had worked like the devil for a year at Warley and knew his Irish to the ground. He was reported on as one of the best subalterns and was gym instructor and signaller. It was a short life.
Now, my dear old man, try and look after yourself a bit and keep fit. We’ve a hell of a year ahead of us but after that I think we’ll be through.