The Daily Star's editor-in-chief, Nadim Ladki, spoke to reporters at CNN about the rationale for the protest publication. She said: "The aim is to ring the alarm bells about all the challenges that our country is facing and to urge everyone in Lebanon to work towards resolving these crises." She added that she was, "calling on politicians and everyone to pull together". Some of the headlines on the inside pages read: "Government deadlock," "Pollution at alarming levels," and "Public debt close to $100 million". Other woes highlighted included unemployment and illegal weapons flooding the country. Ms Ladki said: "It's enough that people take notice of these problems and think."
《每日星报》总编纳迪姆·拉德基(Nadim Ladki)在接受CNN记者采访时谈到了出版抗议刊物的理由。她说:“我们的目的是为我们国家所面临的所有挑战敲响警钟,并敦促黎巴嫩所有人为解决这些危机而努力。”她补充说,她正在“呼吁政界人士和所有人齐心协力”。内页上的一些标题是:“政府僵局”、“污染水平令人担忧”和“公共债务接近1亿美元”。其他突出的问题包括失业和非法武器泛滥。拉德基表示:“人们注意到这些问题并进行思考就足够了。”