因为Innovo在新加坡市场订单的突然大增,Nancy在和Production Department(生产部门)讨论后,现在考虑增加一条新的production line。
于是,Nancy来到Purchase Department,跟Mark商量采购生产线所需要的设备。Mark答应马上联系suppliers确定能不能供货。他先和之前经常合作的两个suppliers联系了一下,得知这两家供应商都暂时不能供应所需型号的机器,如果给他们两个月的时间,供货是有可能的。可是如果等到两个月之后Innovo才开始生产的话,刚刚抢占到的市场早就丢了。
两个人都一筹莫展之际,情急之下,Mark突然想到上次来找过他的那位供应商,说不定他们有这个型号。于是,Mark马上给那位王先生打电话。对方回答说可以提供这款机器,而且半小时后就发来了email quotation(电子邮件报价)。Mark仔细研究了一下这个quotation,发现对方提出的价格还是可以接受的。只是delivery time(交货时间)比较紧张,恐怕不能保证Innovo新的production line按时投入生产,于是他决定马上请这位供货商过来谈判。希望在这个问题上找到解决办法。在供货商到来之前,Mark把需要谈判的要点一一列举出来。他还让Nancy一起参加negotiation(谈判),在必要的时候为他做要点的补充。
Well, let's get started. You know, with this delivery problem I'm sure there's room for negotiation.
Let me see how we get on.
Right, this is how we see it. We can deliver the first machine in two weeks, and install it four days after that.
Why such a long delivery period?
Well, it is in fact the usual period. It's pretty normal in this kind of operation. Did you expect we could deliver quicker?
This is our position. We need delivery of one week maximum, with three days for installation.
I see what you mean, but that would be very difficult. You see we have a lot of orders to handle at present, and moving just one of these machines is a major operation. Look, if I can promise you delivery in ten days, does that help?
I am sorry, I cannot accept ten days. You'll have to do better than that, I'm afraid.
Ah-ha! Well, look...er.... You want the machine in one week. Now that is really a very short deadline in this business. You said that you couldn't take it any later, but couldn't your engineers find a way to re-schedule just a little, say another week?
I am afraid I can't increase the delivery period any further. I have my instructions.
Well, you really are asking us for something difficult. I've already offered you ten days. I'll have to consult with my colleagues and come back to you, but I can't see what we can do.
May I make a suggestion? If you can promise delivery in one week, then we may be able to talk about a further order.
Well, on that basis I suppose we might be able to look at some kind of arrangement. In fact, if you can promise another order I think we could accept your terms.
Let's go through the terms: one week for delivery and three days for installation; and the decision about the next order to be taken by the 4th. Agreed?
Exactly. I will be very happy if you could confirm this in writing.
与王先生的谈判很顺利地结束了,这下就好了,如果能够按照谈判达成的供货时间安装好机器,就能让新的production line 按时开工了。同时,Nancy对Mark的谈判功夫也佩服得五体投地,这个精明的美国人在Innovo的Purchase Department工作了近十年,对于中国的供货商心理非常地清楚,总能在bargaining table(谈判桌)上为Innovo争取到最大的利益。
Get well prepared with items to be discussed.
To start with, ask for the best and most you want.
Tell your counterpart you are here only to deliver your boss's instruction.
Persist on terms and conditions in your favor.
Give your counterpart benefit in exchange for their giving in.
在和这个供货商sign a contract(签订合同)之前,Mark还到对方的工厂参观了一下,又联系了对方之前的几家客户,确定他们的生产能力和技术水平能够达到要求。之后,他约王先生在第二天正式签订了order contract(订购合同)。
negotiation 谈判
production line 生产线
technical department 技术部门
quotation 报价
delivery time 交货时间
install 安装
maximum 最多
deadline 期限
engineer 工程师
instruction 命令,指示
consult 咨询
arrangement 安排
in writing 以书面形式
counterpart 对方,对手
deliver 表述,传达,交货
in one's favor 有利于……
benefit 利益
in exchange for 作为……的交换
give in 让步,退步
sign a contract 签订合同
Why do you need such a long delivery period?
This is our position. We need a delivery of... maximum.
I am sorry, but I cannot accept.... You'll have to do better than that....
I am afraid I can't increase the delivery period any further. I have my instructions.
May I make a suggestion? If you can promise delivery in..., then we may be able to talk about a further order.