参加exhibition(展会)是非常有效的marketing方法,大多数有实力的企业都会参加大规模的国际性行业展会,借此机会可以结识一些同行,更重要的是,能获得很多的potential customers和actual customers。在展会上,企业设立的stand(展台)形象地向观众展示其产品,观众能够获得对企业最直观的印象。除此以外,exhibition相对于其他的marketing方式所花费的cost(成本)要小得多,是性价比极高的营销手段。
年初,Innovo的Marketing Department就开始忙着准备四月底在英国伦敦举办的IT 行业展会。本来这个exhibition是每年一届定期举办的,但因为前几年席卷全球的financial crisis(金融危机)对整个行业产生了很大的影响,展会接连几年都被取消了。随着经济形势的日渐好转,许多企业已经迫不及待地等着参加今年的exhibition,希望利用这个机会重新抢夺market share(市场份额)。
当然,Innovo也不例外,距离展会开始只剩下三周了,还有很多东西需要去准备。全公司上下一片忙碌,尤其是marketing team,老产品的市场堡垒要守住,新产品的推介更重要。周一早上八点整,Nancy就来到办公室,打开outlook(邮件收发系统),一封邮件前面赫然标记着High Importance(极为重要)的标识:今天美国东部时间晚上六点半,也就是北京时间明天早上七点半,总部包括President(总裁)在内的领导们,要和中国区的各部门总监make a conference call(召开电话会议),检查展会准备的progress(进展情况)。
看到这封邮件,Nancy顿时感到了莫名的压力,虽然说这次总部要考察的主要是Sales Team的工作,但marketing的协调和协助也不容忽视。最近虽然和Sales Team一直在努力沟通,力争不去过多地干预他们的工作。但这次展会的意义重大,不知道总部对这里的progress是否满意,而且明天肯定要起个大早了,谁让偏偏有这跨越经度的time difference(时差)呢。
Nancy又仔细看了看这封邮件除了部门总监们,还C.C.(carbon copy抄送)给了哪些人。心里大致估计了一下总部想要了解的内容。在lunch break(午餐休息)之前,她给Sales的总监Kelvin打了个电话,确认对方也知道了明天一早的conference call,两人还商量了一下需要报告的内容,并很快就make a deal(达成一致)—— Kelvin主要负责报告,必要之处由Nancy做补充。
Plan Making Process
Be clear of the target to be achieved.
Find out the Do's and Don'ts.
Figure out how to make it in the most efficient way.
7点10分,conference room(会议室)里大家已经坐好了。负责IT的Billy正在调整screen(屏幕)。
7点30分整,会议桌中间的电话铃响起来了。接通后,美国总部的President,CFO和他们的助理等都显示在屏幕上。President Peter看起来还是那样,serious(严肃)又不失humorous (幽默),他点头和中国这边的team打招呼。
Morning. Everyone. It's time to go home and be with family here.
Morning, Peter.
So, you know what I am expecting to hear from your side.
Yes. With joint effort for a whole month, we are now almost ready for the exhibition.
We have confirmed with the organizer and make sure of our getting official invitation in time for visa application.
Our old customers are invited to the show. Only a few declined the invitation.
It is decided who shall go to the show and their respective task to be performed.
Well. Is there any problem that you need to let me know?
For the budget... I think we need one more million USD. You know, transportation, manning time and stand, they all cost money.
Sure. That is why our CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Jerry is here. Just send me your updated budget proposal. I will come back to you ASAP. Nancy, any comment?
I am just wondering if any one of you is joining us in the show? We definitely need support from the headquarter.
I am thinking about it. Who is welcome then? Hhhhhha....
Everybody except for spies. Seriously, we need a technician.
cost 成本
exhibition 展会
stand 展台
financial crisis 金融危机
market share 市场份额
outlook 邮件收发系统
high importance 极为重要
lunch break 午餐休息
make a conference call 召开电话会议
progress 进展情况
C.C. (Carbon Copy) 抄送
make a deal 达成一致
conference room 会议室
screen 屏幕
humorous 幽默的
joint effort 共同努力
organizer 组织者
official invitation 正式邀请函
visa application 申请签证
perform task 执行任务
transportation 交通
manning time 人工时间
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) 首席财务官
updated 更新的
ASAP (as soon as possible) 尽快地
spy 间谍,特务
technician 技术人员
budget proposal 预算提案
这次的telephone conference进行了大约一个小时,headquarter对中国区的工作表示满意。会议过后,大家抓紧时间处理了还没有完成的准备工作,Nancy也抽空把总结的想法整理到笔记本里:
1.Marketing 有各种方式,要选择其中最有效的。
5. 有问题要及时反应,不要拖拉,一个问题若不及时解决会产生更多的问题。
Is there any problem?
Any comment?