Ask for a pay raise(要求加薪)是一个比较embarrassing(尴尬)的事情。员工在加倍努力工作之后或在get promoted(得到升迁)之后,总是希望薪水也能有所增加,算是作为对自己的recognition and reward(认可和回报)。但是有时候上司却迟迟不提加薪的事情,这种情况下,是选择继续埋头干活等待时机,还是主动找上司谈一谈呢?
如果你是那种拿多少薪水都能self-motivated(自我激励)的employee(职员),那就别往下看了,just go back to your desk and go on working!
可是在面临这样的状况时,Nancy却不想就这样被动地等下去了,她加入Innovo已经有一年半的时间了,从Marketing Department的一名普通职员做到Department Director的位置,自己付出的努力和取得的成绩是有目共睹的。这一切总得有所回报或奖励吧。Nancy是个聪明人,她想好了应该怎么向boss争取利益:
Choose the right time & place.
Prepare and present a convincing list of your accomplishment.
Ask for a reasonable raise rate.
Be polite & be cooperative.
Impress the boss that you are very much encouraged by this pay raise.
虽然腹稿已经打好了,可是Nancy还是不确定when & where向Johnson make a pay claim(正式提出加薪)比较合适。
恰巧周五下午,Innovo召开了一次weekly meeting,总结了一下前段时间公司的经营状况。结果很是鼓舞人心,上两周公司的业绩有了很大improvement(提升),市场部还被特别点名表扬了,VP的脸上露出了少有的笑容。Nancy觉得,提pay-raise(加薪)的时机到了。
于是在散会后,她走到VP旁边,问他有没有时间谈一个private problem(私人问题)。VP脸上虽然有些疑惑,但还是马上就同意了。他叫Nancy跟他回自己的办公室里谈。
I'm grateful for the opportunity to work for you and I enjoy doing so. I hope you'll agree that, in the last 18 months I've worked for you, I've become an integral member of your team and accomplished a great deal. For example, in the last six months alone, I've implemented innovative marketing plan that resulted in over $60 million in revenue, supervised in-house and outside agency creative staff in developing logos, website, e-sales and e-care, driven branding guidelines across the company and with external partner, and developed strategic business plan for new venture into consumer service.
However, I'm still working for the initial salary on which we agreed when I joined the company. As I recall, we also agreed to renegotiate my salary based on my accomplishments, and that time has come. In light of my accomplishments and per our agreement, I'm respectfully requesting an immediate pay raise of 30 percent, to be followed in six months by a performance-based pay raise of an additional 20 percent.
I strongly feel that I've earned the immediate pay raise and I'm confident that I will also earn the six-month raise based on my performance.
Nancy一口气将之前准备的话都说出来后,Johnson微笑着回答道,“Yes, Nancy, you are totally right. You deserve a pay raise for what you did. Sorry that I didn't pick this up earlier.”
没想到Johnson这么痛快地就答应了,Nancy兴奋地说,“Thanks a lot. I'd like to continue to be a key player on your team in a mutually-rewarding relationship.”
pay raise 加薪
get promoted 得到升迁
recognition 认可
self-motivated 自我激励的
convincing 有说服力的
accomplishment 成就,成果
reasonable 合理的,可被接受的
raise rate 增长率
improvement 提升
be grateful for... 对……充满感激
in-house 内部的(这里指公司内部)
outside agency 外部代理商
e-sales 网络销售
e-care 网络维护
branding guideline 品牌定位
strategic business plan 商务战略计划
initial salary 最初的工薪,起薪
renegotiate salary 薪水谈判
in light of 根据,
performance-based 根据表现的
key player 骨干
mutually-rewarding relationship 共赢关系
5.Tips for asking for a pay raise. 如何和老板提加薪:
●Choose the right time & place. 选择合适的时机和地点提出来。
●Prepare and present a convincing list of your accomplishment. 把你的工作成果列举出来。
●Ask for a reasonable raise rate. 要求加薪的幅度要符合公司的常规,不要狮子大开口。
●Be polite & be cooperative. 不卑不亢的姿态也很重要。
●Impress the boss that you're very much encouraged by this payraise. 如果老板答应了你的要求,就要表现出深受鼓舞的样子,这也是在鼓励老板——给你加薪,是明智的选择!
6. Don't forget to share it with your friends.别忘了和好朋友一起分享一下。