作为IT行业的领军企业之一,Innovo密切关注行业的发展动态。对于有市场前景的新事物,则决不放过任何一个机会抢夺市场。随着网络在全球范围内的普及和盛行,networking website(社交网站)作为人们通过网络扩大社交圈和与朋友、同事保持联系的重要手段而越来越受到人们的青睐,尤其是年轻白领特别prefer(偏爱)这种社交手段,很多人几乎每天都会log on(登陆)这类网站,update自己的资料和status(状态),发表一下对某个topic(话题)的看法,或是在好友的space(空间)里留言。还有人会选择性地加入各种各样的interest group(兴趣群体),和志趣相投的人share(分享)他们得到的information(信息)。
Networking website正悄悄地风行起来,Innovo也意识到了这是一个可以开发的领域,但是因为之前并没有接触过这方面的业务,领导层并不十分确定开发和运作这样一个中文networking platform(社交平台)的feasibility(可行性)和expectant benefit(预期效益),因此大量的market research(市场调研)是必不可少的。在这种情况下,Nancy接到了一个Johnson的指令——要在一周之内和R & D Department(研发部门)一起做出一个具体详细的research report(研究报告),然后向领导层汇报。整个Marketing Department和R & D Department一起忙了四天,最终做出了一个初步的draft(草案),最后的情况汇总到Nancy这里,由她做一个清晰明了的summary,以PPT的形式present(演示)给VP和其他管理层人员。
由于时间紧迫,收到前期的资料和数据后,Nancy就要抓紧时间整理presentation了。准备了一上午,期间一遇到不懂的专业术语,她就到R & D Department找负责技术的同事请教,终于在午饭时候把报告搞定了。Nancy的PPT内容比较详尽,data(数据),chart(图表), pictures和quotes(引用)等能用的都用上了。因为到时候有PPT作为reference(参照),后面的内容可以照着准备的材料讲。但是前面的introduction则需要她脱稿,所以这部分也得好好准备一下。她理了理思路,确定应该这样开头:
Introduce the goal to be achieved by this report.
Features of networking website.
Situation of its popularity.
Applications of networking website.
Turn to the data in PPT.
该准备的都准备好了之后,为了以防到时候有什么问题她不能用专业知识回答,Nancy还叫上了R & D Department的Bob做她的临时assistant。
I'm here today to present our research about the feasibility of providing networking service.
A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web-based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services. In general, social networking services allow users to create a profile for themselves.
Social networking sites are becoming prevalent among the young people. As the increase in popularity of social networking is on a constant rise, new uses for the technology are constantly being observed.
One popular use for this new technology is social networking between businesses. Companies have found that social networking sites are great ways to build their brand image, to create brand awareness, to recruit, to learn about new technologies and competitors for recruit. These companies are able to drive traffic to their own online sites while encouraging their consumers and clients to have discussions.
Now, please have a look at this list of major active social networking websites. Please keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive, and is limited to some notable, well-known sites.
research report 研究报告
networking website 社交网站
log on 登陆
interest group 兴趣群体
platform 平台
feasibility 可行性
feasibility report 可行性报告
chart 图表
quote 引用
reference 参照,参考
online community 在线社区
explore 探索
web-based 建立在网络基础上
interact 互动
instant messaging service 即时消息服务
profile 简介
prevalent 盛行的,流行的
constant rise 持续上升
build brand image 塑造品牌形象
create brand awareness 创造品牌意识
recruit 招聘
drive traffic to 吸引访问量
exhaustive 详尽的,全面的
notable 著名的
完成今天的调研报告后,Nancy已经是口干舌燥了。做这类报告就是一项大工程,需要脑力体力的双重准备,不管怎样,报告之后的讨论非常热烈,领导层对于Nancy的报告内容非常感兴趣,这也是对整个团队辛苦工作的肯定。Nancy在她的职场笔记本中记录下了完成这次presenting research report的感受:
3.开始做一个research report要做到: