外企中的promotion(升职)一般有两种情况,一种是在企业的总公司直接升职,还有一种是在总部暂时没有合适的superior position(高级职位)的时候,把员工先派到分部担任负责人,待积累了一段时间的管理经验之后,再调回总公司填补管理职位的vacancy。
Amy是Nancy的好朋友,两人之前在同一家房地产公司工作,在同一间办公室里坐对面,在Nancy离职转到外企后,Amy也蠢蠢欲动,她其实也一直dream of(向往)能够成为一名外企白领。而Nancy跳到Innovo后,也经常和她讲自己在新公司的工作情况。在Amy看来,Innovo的work environment(工作氛围)很适合Nancy,她在外企如鱼得水。Amy曾经对自己的英语不是很confident(自信的),但是看到和自己level(水平)差不多的Nancy竟然也能够在外企大显身手,而且一年不到,英语已经进步神速了。随着时间的推移,Amy越发地心里长草,她决心也跳到外企试一试。Nancy知道她的想法后,就把她recommend给Finance Deparment的Smith。她这样推荐有两个原因,一是Smith人很open,比较好说话;二是Amy以前做过accounting(财会),换新工作后衔接和过渡不会太困难。Smith对Nancy的recommendation很信任,立刻便答应叫Amy过来试一试。
就这样,Amy在Nancy跳到Innvovo八个月之后就在她的推荐下也加盟到这家美资企业。两个人又成了colleagues(同事)。Amy到Innovo以后就一直在Finance Deparment埋头工作。她很善于学习,也很善于与人communicate(沟通),由于表现优秀,一年后,公司决定提拔她,但是北京公司却暂时没有合适的vacancy,于是先把她transfer(调往)上海分公司,担任华东部的Finance Manager。这次调离是temporary(暂时的),一方面是给Amy一个积累management经验的机会,另一方面也是上海那边刚有一个Finance Manager休产假,的确急需人过去帮忙。说实话,Nancy在得知Amy的transfer(调动)消息后,心情很矛盾。她当然为好朋友的promotion感到高兴,但Amy到上海去后就意味着她们两个人的距离一下子远了。以后见面肯定不那么容易了。在Amy南下就任之前,公司为她举办了一个send-off party(欢送会),由财务部的总监Smith代表同事们致欢送辞。
Delivery a Speech in a Send-off Party
Point out the background for the special occasion.
Express emotion and feeling on behalf of yourself.
Comment on the person's performance and also opinions from other people.
Give the promoted person best wishes for future career development.
I appreciate everyone being here today. As you know, Amy is taking off next week for our Shanghai branch office. She has been promoted to regional Accounting Manager for our company's central and southern regions.
I really don't know whether to be happy or sad here today.
Amy has worked really hard in our Finance Department for one year now, and I'd just like to say that I've heard nothing but good things about her performance! Actually, the employee grapevine says she's a real slave-driver. I know you don't hate her for being like that.
Seriously, though, it comes as no surprise to me that you are moving up the corporate ladder. Everyone knows you are a hard worker. Everyone here will certainly miss your hard work and enthusiasm. Accounting isn't going to be the same without you. I might not be there when you come back next time. I am too old for that date.
Amy, we'd all just like to say congratulations. Let's keep in touch, and good luck with everything!
Smith的一番话让全场的气氛顿时light(轻松)起来,大家纷纷走到Amy身边向她表示祝福。Nancy跑过去给了Amy一个big hug。这个时候,两个人都不知道说什么好,其实仅仅一个会意的微笑就彼此明了了。
send off 送别
superior position 高级职位
dream of 向往
work environment 工作氛围,工作环境
confident 自信的
accounting 财会,会计
colleague 同事
temporary 暂时的,临时的
send-off party 欢送会
take off ... (for...) 离开……(前往……)
branch office 分公司
regional 地区的,区域的
be promoted to 被升任为
Accounting Manager 会计部经理
nothing but good things 赞誉有加
grapevine 小道消息,传闻
slave-driver 监工,使人工作过度的老板
come as no surprise 意料之中
move up the corporate ladder 升职;升迁
enthusiasm 热情