尽管Innovo在Australia投入了不少精力,Australia的市场仍是一直处于半死不活的状态,这让领导层感到非常frustrated(沮丧)。上次Johnson召集marketing和sales两个部门开会讨论Australia市场的状况以后,Nancy就带着Marketing Department开始下大力气做Australia市场的marketing research(市场调研)。
Nancy的立场是:首先,Australia市场是不能放弃的,毕竟这个市场的 potential和volume(容量)都很可观;其次,之前Innovo的market research做得不到位,还有很大的improvement(改善)空间。她决定先做一番throughou(t彻底的)和in-depth调研,寻找抢占市场的突破口。经过近两周的data collection(数据收集),并委托当地的知名consulting company(咨询公司)协助,Nancy全面掌握了Australia当前的市场情况。根据这份调查,她做了一个初步的proposal,准备在下次的market analysis meeting上和大家一起讨论。为了能够让别人针对她的proposal提出有建设性的意见,Nancy提前两天就把这个proposal用e-mail发给大家。VP回信确认,这将是下次meetig的重要议题之一。
Proposal Preparation
Base your proposal on detailed research.
Consult with professional local people.
Figure out your research result in your proposal.
Give your suggestions according to the research you have done.
Ask for comments and discussions.
Now that each of you has looked over my proposal, perhaps we could briefly go over it. One of our company's top-selling lines in Asia is its anti-virus software and game software. It's no secret that they sell well in Asia due to the innovation and high efficiency.
My idea is to market these best-selling products in Australia. You may think most Australians prefer local products, the main products of our competitors there. By selling our combination units in Australia, we can tap into markets with specialized needs, such as college students, engineers & other people who spend a lot of time before computers.
My primary data suggest that the market is nowhere near its saturation point. This leads me to believe that there is a need which can be filled by our products.
Of course, more research needs to be conducted before we give this project the green light, but I think it's worth considering. Now I'd like to hear your views on the subject.
Nancy的proposal得到一部分人的支持与赞同,他们觉得Nancy的提议有事实依据和调查基础,而且她的提议听起来也是operational(可操作的),比如Brown就觉得Innovo应该立即按照这个提议行动,否则就会错过时机。但是也有人极力反对Nancy的议案,觉得如果按照她的建议行动,就会有很大的风险,一旦失败,Innovo的损失一定相当惨重。Leo就认为她的这个市场调查本身就没有太大的意义,因为盘踞Australia市场是task impossible(不可能完成的任务)。这次的会议只是听取Nancy的提案,并不能达成最后的共识。在接下来的几天里,Leo,Brown还有更多其他的同事将陆续present自己的观点。
会后,Nancy回到办公室继续琢磨怎么能根据大家的建议让这个proposal更convincing(有说服力)一些,这时Leo推门进来,对她竖了竖大拇指,告诉她:“Although I don't agree with what you proposed,I admire what you have done so far.(虽然我不同意你的提议,我对你的努力和成果还是十分佩服。)”
frustrated 沮丧的
pattern 模式
specialty 特殊性
uncertainty 不确定性
investment 投入,投资
existence 存在
inspiration 启示
improvement 改善
throughout 彻底的
data collection 数据收集
operational 可操作的
top-selling lines 热卖产品
anti-virus software 反病毒软件
it's no secret that... 大家都知道……
best-selling 畅销的
tap into 打入(市场),开拓(生意、业务)
specialized need 特殊的需要
primary data 初级资料
saturation point 饱和点
the green light 赞同
1. Marketing的提案要建立在严谨细致的调研基础之上。
2. 因为时间或空间的原因而存在调研的困难时,可以利用当地的咨询机构获取专业可靠的数据和分析。
3. 世界各地针对不同行业和不同客户的咨询机构数量庞大,但良莠不齐,要选择有资质和信誉好的机构。
4. 提案要简洁,表意明确,有理有据。
5. 最好在开会讨论提案之前就把相关内容发给与会者,以保证大家有时间对提案做分析判断,在开会时可以提出有建设性的意见。
6. 提案要有所创新,但也要down to earth(切合实际),有可行性。
7. 在对提案做完总结后,要诚恳谦虚地邀请别人发表看法。