Cathy Lu是Finance Department的deputy director(副总监),和Nancy同年同月同日生,两个人第一次见面就觉得特别投缘,所以很快就成了无话不谈的密友。她比Nancy早两年到Innovo,工作表现也非常outstanding(出色)。Cathy的男朋友Bryon在American Embassy(美国使馆)工作。两年前的Christmas Eve(平安夜),两人在首都机场候机时相遇,之后便fall in love at first sight(一见钟情),很快就彼此爱得一塌糊涂。
公司同事亲眼witness(见证)了这一段名副其实的浪漫international love(跨国之恋)。作为Cathy的密友,Nancy经常在周末时和一些朋友去他们家开party。第一次去的时候,Nancy着实被吓了一跳,这家里的氛围绝对是一个纯粹的traditional(传统)中国家庭——房间的每一处设计,甚至是最细微之处,都有非常明显的中国文化character(特征),而且比绝大多数的中国家庭更“中国”。Bryon可以说是地道的China expert(中国通),当年他大学毕业后在中国学了两年汉语,回国工作了两年后,再也按捺不住对中国的思念,千方百计申请到了美国驻华使馆的工作,终于顺理成章地再次来到中国。就在他刚落地北京的时候,就遇到了他的“东方公主”——Cathy。两人的爱情故事在朋友同事圈里被传为佳话,简直成了好情侣的model example(典范)。
这天午饭时分,Cathy带着一脸既兴奋又羞涩的表情,神秘兮兮地把Nancy拉到一边,告诉她Bryon已经向自己propose(求婚)了,两个人决定结婚,而且wedding(婚礼)就定在下周末。她问Nancy愿不愿意做她们的maid of honor(伴娘),Nancy见“闺密”的爱情终于修成正果,当然替她高兴,便一口答应下来。不过说实话,Nancy长这么大还是头一次给人家做伴娘,好奇的同时也充满期待。因为从做决定到举行wedding只有一周的时间,Cathy和Bryon为准备婚礼忙得团团转。Nancy知道后,一有时间就去帮忙准备。这个周末,她就到Cathy家里帮着准备和分发invitation card(请柬)。同事们在得知Cathy要结婚了的好消息后,一致推举Nancy在wedding上代表同事们致辞。这么一来,Nancy可有得忙了。为了能在Cathy的婚礼上送给她最美好的祝福,Nancy在咨询了众多亲朋好友之后才决定了这次致辞重点:
Characters of the bride and groom.
Funny stories of the new couple.
A good wish for their future life.
What a pleasure it is to stand here today as Bryon and Cathy's maid of honor. True to my title, I feel honored: honored to play a part in their special day, honored to witness such a beautiful wedding, and honored to be close to two people who so perfectly capture the spirit of true love and devotion.
Cathy and I, we're not only close in age — we're close at heart. She is my friend, my confidante, and my partner in crime. She's a thoughtful and giving person. She also makes me laugh like no one else: just ask our colleagues! But don't worry, bosses, we're laughing with you... and with pretty much anything and everything else that crosses our path. Cathy is so hilarious and so much fun, that it's impossible not to laugh when we're together.
In Bryon, Cathy has found someone who is just as wonderful as she is. He also shares her great sense of humor. I'll never forget the moment when he plays as a panda bear in my last birthday party. The best thing about Bryon and Cathy, however, is the way that they fit together. They complement each other perfectly. From the very beginning, through everything that the last two years have brought them, they've grown and flourished into the type of couple that others aspire to be. They treat each other well, and make each other happy. They always demonstrate their love and respect for each other, whether it's Bryon's delight in cooking Cathy dinner and his impatient excitement when he gets her gifts; or Cathy's sweet, caring personality and her unprecedented ability to keep Bryon organized. Plus, they're excellent parents to Duke the Dog! Their values and commitment to family show in all areas of their life, and I'm sure it will continue to bring them joy and strength.
Cathy and Bryon, you've formed an amazing partnership. I can't imagine two people that deserve happiness more, and I couldn't be more sure that you've found it... I just know that the future holds fantastic things for both of you, and I'm so excited to see what you choose to make of it. No matter where life takes you, I wish you the very best from the bottom of my heart. I love you both, and I'm honored to be a friend to both of you.
embassy 使馆
fall in love at first sight 一见钟情
witness 见证
traditional 传统的
character 特征
China expert 中国通
model example 典范
propose 求婚
maid of honor 伴娘
invitation card 请柬
play a part 扮演角色
confidante 密友
partner in crime 同谋
hilarious 欢闹的
sense of humor 幽默感
complement each other 互补
flourish into... 发展成……
aspire to be... 渴望成为……
keep sb. organized 帮某人保持条理
from the bottom of my heart 发自内心的
1.Introduce your relationship with the bride or groom because not everybody in the wedding knows who you are. 婚礼嘉宾众多,好多嘉宾并不认识你,所以别忘了先介绍一下自己与新郎、新娘的关系。
2.Tell a funny story about the bride and / or groom (what I said is "funny" not humiliating!), and give your thoughts on love and marriage. 讲讲新娘新郎的趣事是活跃现场气氛的必杀绝技。
3.Wrap up your toast with a good wish. 在祝酒辞的最后一定要说出你对新人的祝福。
4.Remember, even though you're nervous, to speak loudly and clearly. Hopefully you'll have a microphone. 要控制好自己的声音,在喜庆的场合中,音调要高昂活跃。
5.Don't drink too much before you give your speech. A drink or two might help loosen you up, but more than that you'll just look like a fool. 祝酒辞之前不要把自己灌醉了,神志不清的时候很容易失态。