第8章 时 态 8.6 过去完成时和过去完成进行时
教程:张道真实用英语语法  浏览:991  
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    8.6 过去完成时和过去完成进行时

    8.6.1 过去完成时的用法

    1) 过去完成时表示过去某时前某事业已发生(可说是过去的过去):

    When I arrived Jane had just left. 我到时简刚刚离开。

    The play had already started when we got to the theatre. 我们到剧场时戏已经开始了。

    Up till then we had only covered half the distance. 到那时我们才走了一半路程。

    She had rushed out of the door before I could stop her. 我还没来得及拦阻她已冲出门去了。

    By the end of June they had treated over 10,000 patients. 到六月底他们已治疗了一万多病人。

    Before daybreak they had already wiped out all the enemy troops. 拂晓前他们已把敌军全部歼灭。

    2) 过去时间有时由一时间状语表示出来(如上例),但在更多情况下时间都由上下文表示出来:

    She found she had left her case on the train. 她发现她把箱子遗忘在火车上了。

    It was the first time I had been in a foreign country. 那是我第一次到国外。

    She had changed so much I couldn't recognize her. 她变了那么多,我都认不出她来了。

    He had served in the army for ten years, last year he retired. 他在部队干了十年,去年退役了。

    He showed me the poems he had written. 他让我看他写的诗。

    They took us to see the hydroelectric plant they had built. 他们带我们去看他们修建的水力发电厂。

    He believed that he had done the right thing. 他相信他做的事是对的。

    I didn't know I had given you so much trouble. 我不知道给你添了这么多麻烦。

    3) 这个时态还可用在故事中追叙更早时间发生的事:

    Tom was 23 when our story begins. His father had died five years before. Since then Tom had lived alone. His father had advised him not to get married till he was 35, and Tom intended to follow this advice. 我们的故事开始时汤姆二十三岁。他的父亲五年前已经过世。从那时起汤姆一直一个人生活。他父亲曾劝他到三十五岁再结婚,汤姆打算照这个意思做。

    Lao Bai was a poor peasant. Back in 1933 he had come to settle in Yuan Mao. He had been a hard worker and had cleared fifty mu of land. One year, the rainfall was unfavourable. He began... 老白是一位贫苦的农民,1933年来到元茂村落户。他辛辛苦苦开了五十亩荒地。有一年雨水不调,他开始…


    Dusk had fallen. The moon was shining faintly on the winding road. Silence reigned in the village. 夜色已经降临,淡淡的月光照在蜿蜒的路上,村子里一片宁静。

    8.6.2 使用过去完成时的一些常见情况


    1) 用在宾语从句中(特别是在间接引语中):

    He said that he had been in China for over ten years. 他说他在中国已经有十多年了。

    He told me that he had known her since he was a child. 他告诉我他从小就认识她。

    I heard that they had made an important discovery. 我听说他们有了一个重要发现。

    She learned that scientists had made a breakthrough in the treatment of that disease. 她了解到科学家在治疗那种疾病方面有了突破。

    I was afraid I had offended her. 我担心我得罪了她。

    2) 用在状语从句中:

    When she had sung her song she sat down. 她唱完歌后坐了下来。

    I found the letter long after he had gone away. 他走后好久我才找到那封信。

    Before we had finished our meal he ordered us back to work. 不等我们吃完饭他就命令我们回去干活。

    He refused to go till he had searched all the rooms. 他把所有房间搜查了一遍后才离开。

    I didn't begin the work until he had gone. 直到他走了我才开始这工作。

    As soon as he had done it, he knew it was a mistake. 他刚一动手就知道做错了。

    3) 用在定语从句中:

    She showed me the pictures she had painted. 她把她画的画拿给我看。

    The old oak tree, which had stood in the yard for a hundred years, suddenly crashed to the ground. 这棵老橡树在院子里已挺立了一百年,有天突然倒了下来。

    Peter, who had waited for an hour, was very angry when his sister came up.彼得等了一个钟头,当看见他妹妹出现时他很生气。

    She wore the necklace her mother had left her. 她戴着她母亲留给她的项链。

    4) 和time这个词一道用:

    It was the first time I had made such a mistake. 这是我首次出这样的错。

    It was the second time he had been in that house. 这是他第二次进那座房子。

    It was the third time she had been out with him. 这是她第三次和他外出。

    5) 用在than或as引导的从句中:

    We finished the work earlier than we had expected. 我们早于预期完成了这项工作。

    The concert was more successful than they had thought. 音乐会比他们预想的还要成功。

    We didn't get along as well as we had hoped. 我们相处得没有希望的那样好。

    6) 用于hope, intend, mean, think等动词表示未实现的愿望:

    I had hoped to be back last night, but I didn't catch the train. 我本来希望昨晚回来的,但没搭上火车。

    I'd intended visiting him this weekend but I wasn't able to make it. 我本想这个周末去看望他的,但这次去不成了。

    We had thought to return early but they wouldn't let us go. 我们本想早回来的,但他们不让我们走。

    8.6.3 过去完成进行时的用法

    1) 过去完成进行时表示持续到过去某时的一个动作:

    He was tired. He had been working since dawn. 他很累,天亮起就一直在工作。

    It had been snowing all night. The ground was covered with thick snow. 下了一夜的雪,地上覆盖着厚厚一层白雪。

    They were just back. They had been skiing in the mountains. 他们刚回来,他们一直在山里滑雪。

    The war had been going on for two years until they agreed on a cease-fire.战争进行了两年直到他们达成了一项停火协议。

    She had been trying to find a job. She still hadn't found one. 她一直在设法找工作,但仍没找到。

    He asked how long I had been waiting. 他问我等多久了。

    2) 过去完成进行时和现在完成进行时的用法是一致的,只不过是把时间从现在移到了过去:

    现在完成进行时 过去完成进行时

    * * *

    * * *

    I've often been thinking of you.            I had often been thinking of you.

    He's been worrying about her safety.          He'd been worrying about her safety.

    Obviously she's been crying.              Obviously she'd been crying.

    All these years he's been travelling.          All these years he'd been travelling.

    3) 过去完成时和过去完成进行时的差别是,前者表示动作业已完成,后者表示动作一直在继续(可能还在进行):


    (动作业已完成) 过去完成进行时


    * * *

    * * *

    She had cleaned the kitchen.               She had been cleaning the kitchen.

    4) 这个时态常可用在某些从句中:

    I didn't know you had been waiting for me. 我不知道你一直在等我。

    He couldn't guess where she had been hiding. 他猜不出她躲在哪里。

    Nancy told me she'd been looking for me. 南希告诉我她一直在找我。

    That was what I had been trying to do. 那正是我一直想要做的事。

    That was the letter she had been expecting. 这正是她一直盼着的信。

      上一篇:第8章 时 态 8.5 现在完成时和现在完成进行时 下一篇:第8章 时 态 8.7 过去将来时态


