9.4 非谓语动词的被动形式
9.4.1 不定式的被动形式
1) 用作宾语:
I must ask to be excused. 我得请求离开一会儿。
She didn't like to be treated as a child. 她不喜把她当作小孩。
He begged to be forgiven. 他请求宽恕。
2) 构成复合宾语:
She didn't want her son to be taken away. 她不愿意她的儿子被带走。
I'd like this room to be redecorated. 我想让这个房间重新装饰一下。
He didn't wish the subject to be mentioned in the letter. 他不希望在信里提及这个问题。
3) 用作定语:
There are a lot of things to be discussed. 有很多事要讨论。
There was not a soul to be seen in the park. 公园里一个人也看不见。
She was invited to a garden party to be held that night. 她被邀请参加那天晚上举行的游园会。
4) 用作状语:
She was sent there to be trained for the space flight. 她被派到那里接受太空飞行训练。
They were shipped to America to be sold as slaves. 他们被运到美洲卖作奴隶。
He shut himself in the room so as not to be disturbed. 他把自己关在屋里以免被人打扰。
5) 用作主语:
It's an honour to be invited to the ceremony. 受邀参加典礼很是荣耀。
It's a privilege to be allowed to study here. 获准在这里学习是难得的荣幸。
What a shame for you three to be treated like that! 你们三人受到这样的对待真不像话!
6) 用作表语:
My only wish is to be allowed to try my method. 我唯一的愿望就是允许试验我的方法。
His dream was to be admitted to a good university. 他的梦想是获准进入一所好大学。
Her ambition was to be made a cinema actress. 她的志向是要当一名电影演员。
9.4.2 动名词的被动形式
1) 作动词宾语或介词宾语:
He hated being langhed at. 他讨厌被人嘲笑。
She couldn't bear being treated like that. 她不能忍受这样的对待。
He was far from being satisfied. 他远未满足。
2) 作主语:
Being offered such a job was sheer good luck. 被给予这样一份工作纯属幸运。
It felt funny being called Grandmother. 被人称作奶奶感到怪怪的。
Being killed by sharks was a common occurrence. 以前被鲨鱼咬死是常有的事。
9.4.3 现在分词的被动形式
1) 构成复合宾语:
I saw him being carried away on a stretcher. 我看见他被人用担架抬走。
I watched the cargo being hoisted on board. 我看着货物被吊到船上。
One could hear all kinds of things being discussed there. 你可以听到那里在谈论的问题五花八门,无所不有。
2) 作定语:
She was not interested in the question being discussed. 她对正在讨论的问题没有兴趣。
The building being erected is a concert hall. 正在盖的建筑物是一座音乐厅。
This was a campaign being waged in the country. 这是国内正在开展的一项运动。
3) 作状语:
Being asked to give a performance, she couldn't very well refuse. 大家要求她表演一个节目,她不好拒绝。
Being protected by a thick wall, they felt quite safe. 有一堵厚墙掩护,他们感到很安全。
Being well looked after, the baby was in perfect health. 有了很好的照顾,宝宝身体非常健康。
9.4.4 过去分词结构
1) 和系动词构成谓语:
He nearly got hit by a car. 他差点给汽车撞了。
His wound has become infected. 他的伤口感染了。
I soon grew used to that kind of life. 很快我就习惯那种生活了。
2) 构成复合宾语:
I've just had a photograph taken. 我刚刚照了一张相。
Go and get your hair cut. 去理一下发。
I don't want anything said about this. 我不希望谁谈及此事。
3) 用作状语:
Frustrated, he returned to his homeland. 他沮丧地回到故乡。
They laughed, friendly and pleased. 他们友好而高兴地笑了。
Greatly interested, I asked to join them in the game. 我很感兴趣,要求和他们一块儿玩。