600 miles of this mountain range is in Georgia. 其中六百英里在格鲁吉亚境内
It's been 20 years since it broke away from the former Soviet Union, 格鲁吉亚自脱离前苏联至今 已有二十载春秋
But tensions between the two countries remain high. 但两国仍然交恶
The pilot's pretty nervous to land because of the snow conditions. 飞行员不敢着陆 因为积雪情况太不乐观
So he's gonna get me as far as he can,and then it's down to me. 所以他尽可能多载我一程 然后就全靠我自己了
The high mountains in spring can be lethal. 春季的高山里险象环生
As the pack melts and then refreezes,the constant change makes the threat of avalanche a real danger. 积雪融化 再结冰 这种循环往复的变化 使雪崩变得威力十足 危险无比
Bear, 10 seconds!Okay. Got to go.The pilot can't hover over the L.Z. for long. 贝尔 还有十秒 好 准备出发 飞行员不能在着陆点上空盘旋太久
The plan is for me to exit the back of the heli on a snowmobile. 按照计划 我要从直升机后部 驾驶雪地摩托离开
It's risky, but I can use it to get me over the mountain quickly,before the weather turns. 很危险 但它能帮我 尽快翻过这座山 以防气候生变
It's down to split-second timing.I'm depending on the pilot's skills. 机会稍纵即逝 成功与否 就靠飞行员的技术了
We're just above the snow! Go!Good to go. 我们刚好降落到积雪上 快走 干得好
The heli has dropped me close to the summit. 直升机把我放在了山顶
I need to get over the ridge and into the valleys beyond. 我要越过山脊 到达另一边的山谷
If a snowstorm catches you out here,you're in big trouble. 如果在这遇到暴风雪 麻烦可就大了
We need to get into the mountains now.There's a lot of cloud cover coming in. 我们必须立刻进山 云量在逐渐增多