But it's keeping me ahead of the weather. 摩托让我一路领先 避开了恶劣天气
I've almost made it to the ridge.But up here, the snow is much deeper. 就快要到达山脊了 在这里 积雪更深
And the snowmobile is sinking under its own weight. 雪地摩托的自重使它不断下陷
It's wedged right down in the deep snow, that. 完全陷到雪里去了
Thing is, all the snow at the moment is just like porridge. 现在 这些积雪就像一碗浓粥
Yeah, I'm not gonna shift this.It's onto foot from here.Okay. 陷进去 我就没法把它搬起来了 从现在开始 只能靠脚力了 好吧
It's 3 degrees below freezing up here, 这里的气温是零下三度
And it's only gonna get colder as the clouds move in. 随着云量的增多 气温还会持续下降
If you can get to the higher ground, 如果能到达高地
you can look for a route down into the valleys beyond. 就可以找到一条到达对面山谷的路
I'll try and reach that cove up there. 我努力到上面那个山凹去
Okay, let's keep moving. Come on. 好了 继续行动吧 加油
Look. See the sun?It's like a halo effect around it. 看 看到太阳了吗 它就像被围上了一圈光晕
And that's formed by the stratus clouds. 这是由层云导致的
Stratus is often a sign of changing conditions and an oncoming bad-weather front. 层云常常是气候变化的标志 是恶劣天气的前奏
And look.Sure enough, if you look down, 看吧 不出所料 向下看的话
you see the buildup of all that cumulus cloud.That's the bad stuff. 就会发现堆聚的积云 它们的出现绝对不是好兆头
But often the time lag between the stratus and the cumulus 但有时 层云变为积云
can be as little as four hours, you know? 只需要短短的四个小时
I know this range runs from east to west. 我知道这山脉是东西延伸的
But where I want to head,southwest,down out of the mountains, towards the Black Sea. 但我希望往西南方走 下山之后向黑海方向前进
It's gonna be the best chance of finding people.So we want to get moving. Come on. 那里是最可能有人烟的地方 所以最好快点动身 走吧