Hi I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10 and you know what? Fridays are awesome. That may not be breaking news exactly but some of that is expected this weekend in the United Kingdom. The country's parliament, its law making body, is set to debate a new deal concerning the Brexit, the British exit from the European Union. The EU is an economic and political partnership of 29 countries. Its existed since 1993 and no country has ever left the EU since it was established. But Britain's voted to separate from it in the summer of 2016 and they're government and that of the European Union have been trying to agree on a way to do that ever since.
It's an incredibly complicated process international trade, immigration, laws, all of these things have to be figured out. If they're not, Britain could separate from the EU in what's called a No Deal Brexit but without an agreement in place, that could create some temporary instability for both Britain and the European Union.
The government of Teresa May, Britain's previous prime minister, was able to reach a deal with the European Union on the terms of the Brexit but Britain's parliament, which needs to approve the Brexit deal first, didn't.
It rejected that agreement and that eventually led to Prime Minister May's resignation. Now, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has struck a new deal with the European Union but will parliament vote to approve that. We'll see this weekend. If Britain's parliament rejects this new agreement, it could lead to a No Deal Brexit or the deadline could be extended once again for Britain and the European Union to reach another deal. That's happened several times this year.
英国议会拒绝了该协议,最终导致首相梅辞职。现在,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)与欧盟达成了一项新协议,但将由议会投票批准。具体结果周末见。如果英国议会否决这项新协议,可能导致英国脱欧无法达成,或者英国和欧盟达成另一项协议的最后期限可能再次延长。而这种情况今年已经发生了很多次。
Hi I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10 and you know what? Fridays are awesome. That may not be breaking news exactly but some of that is expected this weekend in the United Kingdom. The country's parliament, its law making body, is set to debate a new deal concerning the Brexit, the British exit from the European Union. The EU is an economic and political partnership of 29 countries. Its existed since 1993 and no country has ever left the EU since it was established. But Britain's voted to separate from it in the summer of 2016 and they're government and that of the European Union have been trying to agree on a way to do that ever since.
It's an incredibly complicated process international trade, immigration, laws, all of these things have to be figured out. If they're not, Britain could separate from the EU in what's called a No Deal Brexit but without an agreement in place, that could create some temporary instability for both Britain and the European Union. The government of Teresa May, Britain's previous prime minister, was able to reach a deal with the European Union on the terms of the Brexit but Britain's parliament, which needs to approve the Brexit deal first, didn't.
It rejected that agreement and that eventually led to Prime Minister May's resignation. Now, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has struck a new deal with the European Union but will parliament vote to approve that. We'll see this weekend. If Britain's parliament rejects this new agreement, it could lead to a No Deal Brexit or the deadline could be extended once again for Britain and the European Union to reach another deal. That's happened several times this year