We all dream, whether we remember the next day or not. Our dreams are usually reflections of what's going on in our waking life. Here's our list of the most common dreams and their meanings.
Number 1 - Falling Dream
Feeling yourself falling in a dream indicates that you're holding on to a certain situation in your life. This dream is a sign that you need to relax and trust in yourself and others. Allow everything to just fall into place.
Number 2 - Being Chased in a Dream
This dream suggests that you're actually running from a situation or a problem that needs your attention. There's an issue in your waking life that you will want to confront but you don't know how to.
Number 3 - Dream About Death
Dreams about death and dying symbolize that some kind of dramatic change is going on in your life. Symbolically, it represents the end of something in order to start something new.
Number 4 - Flying Dream
When you're flying in your dream, it means that you feel empowered. You have released yourself from circumstances that have been weighing you down. Things are finally looking up.
Number 5 - Naked in a Dream
Nudity in a dream suggests that there's a situation in your waking life that's making you feel vulnerable and exposed. Dreams about being naked in public are common to people who are facing a new challenge in their lives.
Number 6 - Falling Teeth Dream
A falling teeth dream may be rooted in a fear of being embarrassed. Perhaps you worry about making a fool of yourself. A certain situation is definitely causing your confidence to crumble.
Number 7 - Unprepared Exam Dream
If you have a dream where you're not prepared for an exam, it means that you're critically examining yourself in your life. You may feel that you're not prepared to take on an important life challenge.