接招:上面例句中用到了一个短语:like a cat that just ate the canary,这是一个介词短语,它通常与look这个动词搭配,用作谓语,即:look like a cat that just ate the canary。短语中的canary是指“加那利白葡萄酒”,人喝了酒后就像踩在云中雾中一样,动物也不例外。当一个人有了巨大的成就时就极为高兴,沾沾自喜地,就如同在云中雾中行走。因此,这个短语就很形象地表达出“得意洋洋的样子”“沾沾自喜的样子”的意思。
也有人是这样看待这个习语的:canary也有“金丝雀”的意思。Look like the cat that ate the canary这个俗语是用来形容一个人显得非常满足,就像一只猫终于实现了它长期以来的愿望,把鸟笼打开,把里面那只可怜的金丝雀吃了,感到很满足。Look like a cat that just ate the canary中的just是起到加强语气的作用,是可以省略的,这个短语还可以用作look like a cat that stole the cream。
My friend didn't listen to my advice and he bet twenty dollars on the horse. Why, I couldn't believe my eyes! The horse won by a nose and my friend came back with the two thousand bucks he'd just won, looking like the cat that ate the canary.
When Susan got the award and backed to home, she looked like the cat that ate the canary.
A : This is one of Helen's old school photos. Can you spot her?
B : I think that must be her holding the cup and looking like the cat that ate the canary!
A : 这是海伦学生时代的一张照片,你能认出她吗?
B : 我想那捧着奖杯,看上去沾沾自喜,得意扬扬的,一定是她。
好,亲爱的朋友们,我想今天的这一招说“快乐”——look like a cat that just ate the canary,您一定接住了, 下回Juliet在继续抛招,您再来接招,我们下次再见吧。